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(M23) My relationship with my GF (F22) has become bizzare ​

Me and my girlfriend are coming close to dating for 2 years. At first when we met ( before when we started dating) we'd have a ton of sex. She would initiate before I would even think to try. It was very passionate and I couldn't believe how crazy I was for her. This will be relevant later but she would even say I'm not that sexual and that her old boyfriend and her would do it 10X more. She said she didn't like doing it with him but loves doing it with me. I guess 2+ times a day is not a lot to her.

At the time we were entering our senior year in college. She panics about little things all the time, so when I first met her she adored that I could stay calm and help her through things. She also has a really tough time waking up in the morning and I would help her wake up every morning. We are opposites in many ways.

Fast forward about 7 months. She gets off birth control and I instantly notice a difference in her moods and sex drive. She stopped treating me the same.. like I no longer felt like her boyfriend. I felt like her little helper. She yells at me all the time and her behavior is a complete question mark to me. I can accept mood swings but the constant ups and downs in moods were shocking. One part of the day I'm completely in love her her, the next she is treating me like shit. I forgot to add that she doesn't eat much, and I would help her by getting food with her everyday and sometimes make her food. This is a strange responsibility for me because she will not eat all day and blame me for it, or she will not wake up when she wants to and I'm at fault.

We also weren't having sex like before at all. She never initiated sex and one day after not doing it for about 3 weeks I questioned what was going on. She said she wasn't a sexual person and that sometimes she doesn't want to do it. This completely contradicts what she use to do and said.

So here I am a year later and we moved in together. I feel like her dad. I push her to eat, wake up, stay disciplined on her grad school work, keep her/ stay calm in difficult situations and help with little things. I want to do these things for her and I don't mind doing them. The only thing that troubles me is that her love has changed. Her love for me hasn't felt romantic/ sexy in a while. I honestly feel like she just loves the things I do for her.

For the last year we have sex about twice a month. She never initiates, and I always have to. When I try to she tries to make a deal with me. Like "you have to make sure I'm up in the morning" or "it didn't feel like you loved me like this earlier" or "will you wash the dishes" or she will try to get me to apologize fore something. Its literally every time, sometimes I can't believe the things she tries to get me to agree to. I confronted her about it once and she knew it was wrong and bizarre. She stopped the next time but went right back to it.

When she's not making a deal she will be goofy the entire time during sex. Like trying to slap my butt or complain about the blanket not on her or saying something goofy to completely take me out of it. It feels like I am not the one she wants to have sex with anymore.

Sorry to only focus on the negatives because she is amazing and funny but unexpectedly she hates me. Especially if I don't help her with something she asks, like she won't talk to me for the rest of the night. Happens a few times a week. It feels like she is rebelling against her dad. She also kinda changed her voice, like she uses like a cute kid voice all the time and acts like a kid sometimes. Also she doesn't respond well anymore when I call her sexy.. like she likes being called cute.

Please any advice for me, I know I am probably making things worse and I really want to be with her. What mindset should I stay in? How do I counter this behavior? I try to talk to her but It doesn't go anywhere.

tl;dr: Relationship with girlfriend was passionate. I help her wake up in the morning, make sure she eats, stays disciplined and overall help. I don't mind but it may have an effect on relationship. Went from having sex 2X a day to twice a month. Tries to make me agree to do things for her to have sex or does goofy things to take me out of it. She sometimes acts like a kid and makes me feel like Im a father. Doesn't feel like a romantic boyfriend girlfriend relationship. She'll ignore me for the rest of the day If I just don't have time to do something for her. What should I do?

Submitted April 03, 2019 at 06:26PM by mortongoing
(M23) My relationship with my GF (F22) has become bizzare ​ (M23) My relationship with my GF (F22) has become bizzare ​ Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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