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He’s [19M] and I’m [23F] . Not sure what kind of relationship we have.

I feel so weird even writing about this, I’ll try to make it as concise as possible.

My family and another family are friends. We met them about 10ish years ago. Our moms are friends and all the children in both families are roughly the same age. Except two of us. Now, I’m 5 years older than him, but there aren’t really any other guys in our families. So, growing up, we always hung out together. He was pretty mature and I was kinda naive so it worked out, plus we had similar interests.

Our families lost touch for a few years but we’ve recently been all hanging out again. The two of us naturally gravitated back to each other and he’s still really cool and we still have a lot of the same interests, even the same career field.

Here’s the problem: when I hang out with him, it feels kinda the same as when I’ve hung out with guys I’ve had crushes on in the past, there’s like this click and everything is just, I don’t know, good. But he’s almost like a little brother to me at the same time, and I would be super creeped out if I liked this guy that’s 5 years younger than me. But I’ve also never had a best friend before, and I’ve never really had any friends of the opposite gender before.

So maybe he’s just my first male (best) friend? What do you all think? Or am I just overthinking all this too much?

TL;DR! Long time family friend is 5 years younger than me, can’t tell if I like him platonically or romantically.

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 05:44AM by Music_Awareness
He’s [19M] and I’m [23F] . Not sure what kind of relationship we have. He’s [19M] and I’m [23F] . Not sure what kind of relationship we have. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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