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SO stopped putting forth effort in the relationship ever since financially surpassed me and I (F, 25) really need some insight on what to do?

Here's the conflict;

I have many ways of showing my significant other they mean something to me and I love them. I express it by telling them how important they are to me and how much I love him, I take the time to write him notes, I surprise him with random things "just because", I try and do the stressful and time consuming things around the house (such as dishes, laundry, cooking, mopping, ect.) so that he can come home to a clean home and have dinner ready because I want to take the stress off his shoulders, I express love through physical touch (hand holding, cuddling, random arm touches/ face touches, initiating sex frequently), I listen to the things he has to say and legitimately care about them and am interested in the things he has to say, I do whatever I can whenever I can to help him financially, ect.

He used to do these things as well, I used to feel very special to my significant other- it was the first relationship where I felt I didn't ever have to question my value or worth and I was so fucking happy because I found that. We openly communicated what we wanted, and were on the same page. Something changed. Literally he stopped doing all the things that made me feel special. He stopped acknowledging my nice texts telling him how special he was to me to try and make his day, he started hating my notes because he had to read them (and he stopped writing me back), he stopped appreciating and noticing the fact that the second I get off work and get home I am cooking and cleaning until he gets off and gets home, he stopped expressing to me how important I am to him, he stopped wanting to listen and understand how I feel- communicating with him is like talking to a brick wall- he has no emotion, doesn't want to put effort into fixing anything, just wants to say what I want to hear (in an annoyed tone of voice) and move on. And when he and I are arguing (which he doesn't even want to do that with me anymore) he only throws at me that he's the one working his d*ck off and he doesn't want to deal with me and the shit I have to say when he gets home and that I should "appreciate all that he does for me"- which I was only trying to talk and end up super frustrated because he doesn't give a crap no matter how I approach it or when I approach it (I hate arguing). Here's some back story to that- when he and I first started dating- he lived with me in my apartment. He didn't pay anything for a whole year, and I didn't hold him to it or care because I knew he wasn't in the financial place to do so and I knew I could do it on my own so it didn't matter. If I needed any help because I had so many bills he'd help in other ways like helping me with gas or groceries. I never, ever rubbed that in his face, or even cared. While doing all that, I still found the time to show him I loved him and cared for him and cared if he was in my life or not. I was working long hours (13/14 hour days) at a warehouse lifting reels of electric wire daily. Well, I was very unhappy at my job and switched jobs and took a 2$ pay cut. Right around that time, my boyfriend got a really great job (his first real job where he works long hours and actually gets paid good)- he works a lot more hours than me currently, and makes a lot more than me doing so. But ever sense he got this job he's been horrible to me and it's almost like since he's over me financially, he feels like he doesn't have to do anything else to show me that he cares for me and doesn't have to put the effort into this relationship anymore. We've been with one another for a year and a half, and one year of it I took financial responsibility and he just now is taking over that responsibility (more than me. but I am still paying rent and attributing) and is wanting to act all big and mighty and forget that I had once done so much for him and let him just live in my place (we are renting a place now together- we just got it a month ago). I just want honesty from him and I tell him if he's unhappy with me, or doesn't love me anymore, or just loves me as a friend and nothing else- I NEED TO KNOW- because I can't keep being the only one putting forth the effort. And he swears he loves me more than anything and wants to have a life with me- I JUST DON'T GET IT. I need some help understanding because I love this man more than anything and I am tired of being the only one trying and the only one who cares.

insight would be the most wonderful thing right now, because I honestly feel so lost.

tdlr; I put a lot of effort into our relationship while my boyfriend feels he doesn't need to because he is over me financially now*which isn't important to me whatsoever* and I am having a hard time gaining insight on his point of view or how to understand

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 12:32PM by thegreatperhapsx
SO stopped putting forth effort in the relationship ever since financially surpassed me and I (F, 25) really need some insight on what to do? SO stopped putting forth effort in the relationship ever since financially surpassed me and I (F, 25) really need some insight on what to do? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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