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My [34 M] ex girlfriend [32 F] reached out to me, that her daughter [6] really misses me

Short story: We were together for 2 1/2 years. Broke up 4 months ago. My ex-girlfriend has ADHS and general anxiety disorder (very likely from trauma), which I did not notice the first year we were together, although she told me about it. I on the other side was struggling with depression many years ago, which I have overcome and I'm very stable now. Dumb me thought "yes, I can handle that, I know how hard it can be when your mind is fucking with you". I fell in love with her and her little kiddo. Fast forward 2 years her anxiety disorder overcome her and took over her behavior to the point I just could not handle it anymore. So we broke up because of that and because she did not feel like we are on the same page when it comes to long term goals like having another kid. I just did not want a kid with a mom in her state of mind. At the end it was her decision to brake up, because she could not stand me being down. Very mature in my opinion.

Now, four months after our brake up, I struggled a lot with my desire to be with her. I love her, that is for sure. But not to point where I feel like I can handle her illness. I even started dating again and I met a lovely woman, nothing serious though yet.

Now she texted me, that her daughter is missing me a lot. That's cute af. But I told her because I love them both, I can not see them now, because it would brake me. I told her I will consider it later. Am I doing anything wrong? I have such a bad conscience right now.

TL;DR: I have a bad conscience because I turned down my ex-girlfriends daughter will to be still friends with me. Just can't handle it right now

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 03:29AM by Knallschote
My [34 M] ex girlfriend [32 F] reached out to me, that her daughter [6] really misses me My [34 M] ex girlfriend [32 F] reached out to me, that her daughter [6] really misses me Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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