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My [30M] girlfriend [32F] went away on family vacation for 10 days. Two minutes after her arrival back home she's already complaining of things in the house. I'm not sure if I can continue with that type of life. Is it saying something if I didn't miss her in those 10 days?

My girlfriend and I have been together for about a year and a half. She moved in with me about 4 months ago. She came back from a 10 day vacation with her family last night. Two minutes upon arriving she had her first complaint and it has me questioning if I should be in this relationship.

To help explain my girlfriend, she may have some OCD. It’s undiagnosed but she has severe anxiety when it comes to driving and things “touching”. What I mean by the touching is, for example, if I place a bath towel for a few seconds on the top a toilet tank, she’ll say it needs to be washed again. If she puts on underwear and it slightly touched another piece of clothing that may or may not be washed, she will put on a different pair. So last night when she came in, she noticed a cookie sheet was placed upright on the floor (leaning against the cabinet) and she flipped out yelling “Why is the cookie sheet on the floor?”. I gave her the response of “it was placed there while I figured out where to store it”. She didn’t like that answer and said it should never be on the floor.

That one comment has me questioning my entire relationship. I’m a very happy go-lucky kind of guy. Incredibly easy going and don’t let the small things get to me. My girlfriend’s entire day is filled with anxiousness. Did she close the door right? Did she hit someone as she backed out of the parking space? Did her clean underwear touch the laundry bin? Did she shut off the water? These are some brief examples of her daily struggles.

I’m just upset that after 10 days of me cleaning and leaving the house spot less for her arrival, she had to find the one thing that she didn’t like (cookie sheet briefly placed on floor) and complained only 2 minutes after her arrival. And I’m realizing she just complains a lot. Rather than letting it go or telling me later she had to bring it up two minutes after we saw each other for the first time in 10 days.

Then I continued to realize, wow I wish I had another 10 days away from her. It was so peaceful to come home after work knowing there wont be someone waiting for me to tell me all that went wrong with her day, or any other complaint she has about the house or how things are placed. My favorite moment of the day is when I go to sleep because I’m left alone as she watches tv downstairs.

I love her, I’d like to spend the rest of my life with her and have her be the mother to my future children, I just don’t know if I can continue with a life full of complaints. Not sure what kind of advice I’m asking for here. Maybe you can share if you’ve had a similar experience. Did it work out in the end? How can I get her to not complain so much about little things? Or by leaving this relationship I’ll just fall into another one that has other problems?

All in all, is it concerning, or saying something, if I didn’t really miss her in the 10 days she was gone?

TL;DR: Girlfriend went away for 10 days on a family vacation. Two minutes upon coming home she started to complain that a cookie sheet was placed on the floor (leaning on cabinets). Complaining two minutes into seeing her for the first time in 10 days made me realize I didn’t miss her when she was gone. Her life is full of OCD, complaints, and things never going right. As a happy go-lucky kind of guy, I’m questioning if I want to be in this relationship. Is it saying something bad if I didn’t miss her in those 10 days?

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 11:45AM by LakeWest111
My [30M] girlfriend [32F] went away on family vacation for 10 days. Two minutes after her arrival back home she's already complaining of things in the house. I'm not sure if I can continue with that type of life. Is it saying something if I didn't miss her in those 10 days? My [30M] girlfriend [32F] went away on family vacation for 10 days. Two minutes after her arrival back home she's already complaining of things in the house. I'm not sure if I can continue with that type of life. Is it saying something if I didn't miss her in those 10 days? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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