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My [23F] bf [26M] of 4 years keeps making jokes using my insecurities, including calling me fat when I've just reached my ideal weight goal

I don't really know where to begin, our entire relationship has been an up and down roller coaster. Its our first relationship and neither of us are perfect but we love each other and have been loyal towards one another through out. I thought this was enough however now I don't know.

One of our issues is that Jack loves to make jokes at other peoples expense. He on the other hand would tell you that I'm too sensitive and have no sense of humour.

Ive tried telling him in the past not to joke on things he knows Im self conscious over but he does them regardless. He apologizes and promises to not do it again but then will complain that hes feeling like hes walking on eggshells and that I should know by now not to take his words too serious.

Around 6 months ago we started exercising together and have changed our lifestyles to be more healthy. Its been going pretty great and we've both lost some weight.

I weighed myself yesterday and have finally reached my goal. I was so happy that I shared it with Jack and he starts telling me that I need to lose some more weight (I'm 55kg) and that my goal was set at an easy level. Later on he starts calling me fatso and starts making jokes about my weight, once again telling me that my goal and weight loss wasn't good enough and that I need to lose some more.

Ive had body image issues all my life. I had an eating disorder as well which he knows about but I don't think he understands how bad it was. Either way Ive made it clear in the past that I did not want negative comments about this as Im quite self conscious. He knew this and yet decided to make jokes about it.

He claims he wasnt thinking straight and that I should know he doesnt think I'm fat and made comments along the lines of "youre not fat, you know that, why are you offended at these jokes"

I was feeling so great about myself, and my achievement, and he goes and ruins it all, makes me feel terrible and I start thinking he doesn't think I'm good enough for him and I'm never going to be good enough.

I completely lost it on him, told him to find someone who is good enough and que massive argument. He apologizes but then tells me "I apologized what else do you want from me" he makes the some promises that he wont do it again but I don't believe him. And I don't know what he can do to change that.

To make things worse, he got sick of talking about this that he decided to hang up and refused to talk further about it (something which he does regularly, we've also had issues about this and hes promised not to do this but did it yet again)

I don't know what to make of this. I don't know how to move forwards.

I havent been in any other relationships, and I want to know if this is normal in long term relationships. Do you just get use to calling each other names and it becomes normal somehow?. Am I being too sensitive ?

tl;dr: I can't take personal jokes that fire my insecurities and bf despite his promises to do better constantly makes them. Including calling me fat after reaching a weight goal and I don't know what is normal

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 07:09AM by dfhtyr21
My [23F] bf [26M] of 4 years keeps making jokes using my insecurities, including calling me fat when I've just reached my ideal weight goal My [23F] bf [26M] of 4 years keeps making jokes using my insecurities, including calling me fat when I've just reached my ideal weight goal Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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