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My (31M) fiance (36F) secretly became a Findomme to help finance our wedding

throwaway for many reasons. thanks to reddit for suggesting throwaway usernames when you make a new account now!

My fiance and I have been together for three years. we got engaged last october and are very much in love. she is my everything, my best friend, the most loving, kind, brilliant, etc etc person I have ever met. I could go on all day but this is not what this is about.

As we have been beginning planning our wedding over the last few months a major concern has been budget. We are not wealthy, and neither of our families has a lot of money to throw at us (not that we would ask anyhow) and regardless we mutually decided that a budget priority would be saving for a house, rather than an overly extravagant event. About in january we agreed that we would look for and take on some side jobs to get additional cash flow. I started helping out at a local bike garage, and she picked up some WfH jobs in online stuff, fixing up peoples' websites and online stores, which she is very good at.

Then, two days ago, she forgot her cell phone at home while I was on my day off, doing some regular housework. She gchatted me and told me if anyone called to just let it go to voicemail - no problem. But later in the afternoon, I was walking by and her screen lit up from an incoming notification, so I glanced at the phone and saw a couple text notifications from her sister, as well as a venmo of $500 or thereabouts. I presumed it was for one of the clients she had done web work for so I messaged her "just saw you got paiiiid babe nice job" with a money face emoji. she sent some hearts back and I went on with my day. However, when she got home, she seemed very quiet and distant, but I assumed she'd had a hard day at her regular job, and tried to take extra care of her, making dinner, a little extra hugs kisses, etc...and then out of the clear blue evening sky she just says "I have a huge confession to make." my heart jumped a little bit but I tried to keep calm and not over-think anything.

She was visibly shaking and just started spilling everything before I could really respond. She apparently met up with an old high school friend a couple of months ago who is a sex worker, and who suggested trying her hand at Findom. If you're unfamiliar, it is basically making men give you money. Anyhow, she told and showed me how she set up a twitter, fetlife, instagram, and other online accounts, and started looking for subs, or "pigs" as she referred to them. She apparently is quite good at this and has been making somteimes over $1000 a week doing...very little, aside from posting risque photos on her profiles with captions about wanting boys to prove they were rich by sending her money.

I was floored...but also a little proud? She was sobbing and I tried to comfort her as much as I could, just my mind was spinning with everything she told me. She kept repeating that she never did anything explicitly sexual or met anyone in person and I believe her. We have slept separately since then...fortunately our apartment has a full guest room with a good bed so I'm not just couchin' it lol

The last day and a bit has just been me reeling with this...Like I genuinely believe she did this to make money and help us out, but there's the huge breach of trust. We've both been at our regular jobs today and yesterday so haven't had much time to talk. I just feel so exhausted. I tried to look at the twitter she made out of morbid curiosity but she already deleted it.

We both have Tuesday off and we decided we're going to have a serious day together to talk and work through this. How do I prepare myself for the possibility that there's more secret stuff she hasn't told me? How do we move past this and how do I secure myself that she is being honest?

tl;dr, title

Submitted April 28, 2019 at 02:05PM by WrongPreference2
My (31M) fiance (36F) secretly became a Findomme to help finance our wedding My (31M) fiance (36F) secretly became a Findomme to help finance our wedding Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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