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I (27f) find my partner (27m) unstimulating.

I feel bad for feeling this way, but often find my partner boring. I understand that this is about our communication and interests and there is nothing wrong with him at all. I love him, find him very physically attractive and we have great chemistry and a lot of common values. Yet, I seldom to never feel "that was an interesting conversation" or anything in that manner after speaking with him, and don't really find his topics or reflections really stimmulating in anyway. I have friends that envoke that in me and have had more intellectually stimulating partners in the past. In the beginning I suppose we where in a diffirent phase of our life where we had more topics in common or simmilar views on life, while now I feel he has changes and his lifestyle is beyond boring to me. All he does is play computergames and go for walks with his dog. I feel living with him is making my lfie more boring, though I am good at hanging out a lot with my friends and going to fun events. He never wants to join an event, and if I want him to I have to use all the enegry in the world to make it happen and he still stresses about getting home because of the dog or beeing tired. It's important to note that we really don't have any common interests. I can't really picture myself going on with this forever but I love him. Any thoughts?

tldr: I find my partner boring and it is making me uncertain about our relationships future prospects.

Submitted December 04, 2021 at 05:41AM by Artsyhipster
I (27f) find my partner (27m) unstimulating. I (27f) find my partner (27m) unstimulating. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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