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We don't all. Is this weird?

TL;DR I've been hanging out with a guy for about two months, but we just never text. My friend says this is very weird, and means it won't last. I'm now stressed about the holiday break.

I've [20F] been hanging out with a guy [20M] that I met at school for 2 months. We had a class together that met multiple times per week, so this is how we met and started talking.

The relationship dynamic/context: We have progressed rather steadily. Started when we got together to study for an upcoming quiz. From there, we began walking to our cars together after every class and talking. Then, we hung out to do a shared activity together that we both had a common interest in. After that, he asked me to pick up food with him once, started offering me rides home, etc. After a few weeks, he was giving me a ride home after every class, and I'd invited him over to stay for dinner twice (I like to cook). By the end of the semester, we were hanging out pretty much after every class unless one of us was busy or not there that day. I invited him to a birthday party for my friend as well on the weekend before the semester ended. That night, we were very affectionate (making out, hugging etc.) and spent the night together at my place. We cuddled and talked the entire night until falling asleep, then woke up the next morning and did the same thing for a few hours. Then after class that week, he asked me hang out after class to do another common interest activity again. Now, the semester has ended and we've gone home for break.

The "weird" thing: We don't text. He'd text me to ask questions about class sometimes. I've texted him about our plans once or twice. I think we've exchanged a meme maybe one time. Other than that, zero texting. We don't have conversations or anything over text. Even arranging to hang out has been done in person 95% of the time during or after our class. Sure, I'd be open to texting more, but I'm also content not texting. It's not a big deal to me, and he doesn't seem like a texter (I have rarely seen him with his phone out).

My friend asked me if we were going to be chatting during the holiday break. I told her probably not, or at least I don't expect to talk at all. We didn't talk over Thanksgiving break, although that was only a week and not a month. But we've just never been "talking" over text, everything's happened in person. She told me this was really weird and that it won't last into next semester if we don't communicate via text over the holidays.

Now, I'm stressed. Is he going to forget about me if we don't talk for a month?? I guess I could text him, but I've been content with the whole no texting thing. It's just not something we've done. I'm questioning now if he's even interested in me if we don't text. Ugh.

Submitted December 26, 2021 at 04:23PM by blackberryfloof
We don't all. Is this weird? We don't all. Is this weird? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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