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I’m (27F) frustrated with my boyfriend (27M) for using profanity and making a stupid slightly inappropriate joke in front of my parents so soon after meeting them and I’m not sure if it’s unfounded or not.

My boyfriend and I have been together for about 6 months. We have spent little time with my parents this Christmas season and he is just meeting them for the first time.

I love my boyfriend so, so much and he is such an incredible person in every way - he has just put his foot in his mouth in a couple of ways that make me slightly irritated. I have young parents who I am very close with and I suppose he felt fairly comfortable fairly quickly because I asked him after their first day meeting to try to not use any profanity around them, not knowing he already had - apparently he had already said “fuck” in front of them while I was outside of the room. My parents are pretty chill and not super against swearing but we are a family who does not have that kind of dynamic and rarely if ever swear in front of each other. He apologized when I had asked that he not swear in front of them and said he’ll try not to - he already slipped up and almost did another time but immediately corrected himself.

Today we were out shopping with my mom and he made some offhand joke about a toy having “balls” which was just uncomfortable for me. We just aren’t that kind of family and he just barely met them. It’s not a huge deal and my mom said nothing but it’s just frustrating to me that he’d assume things like that are okay right off the bat and not try to err on the side of caution and be as respectful as possible. I asked him quietly to avoid things like that with them just because it’s awkward for me and he apologized.

He’s a really, really incredible guy, he just is kind of socially awkward sometimes and I think doesn’t know how to act with my parents and in trying to be chill and relaxed has maybe been more relaxed than I’m comfy with. Should I bring it up again? Am I being too sensitive? Mostly what bothers me is the principle of the fact that I would think he’d want to make a good impression and be as respectful as possible.

TL;DR: bf swore and made a stupid balls joke in front of my mom who are not upset in any way but I am frustrated that his instinct isn’t to be as respectful as possible so soon after meeting them.

Submitted December 23, 2021 at 01:04AM by sootsprinkle
I’m (27F) frustrated with my boyfriend (27M) for using profanity and making a stupid slightly inappropriate joke in front of my parents so soon after meeting them and I’m not sure if it’s unfounded or not. I’m (27F) frustrated with my boyfriend (27M) for using profanity and making a stupid slightly inappropriate joke in front of my parents so soon after meeting them and I’m not sure if it’s unfounded or not. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 23, 2021 Rating: 5

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