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My girlfriend (21F) met a new coworker friend a few months ago. She told me he was just a friend, but now she wants to open up our relationship to have sex with him. We have been dating for 6 years. Im (21M) planning to break up with her tomorrow

It all started back in freshman year of high school, where I met her through a mutual friend. She just went through a breakup, and I found her at the right time. I was there for her to cry on and vent to, and eventually we fell for each other. She was my first ever girlfriend and love.

We've had many ups and downs throughout the years; She was there for me through everything, and I was there for her equally. She met me when I was a poor high school student who was too young to legally get a job, so I had to mow lawns to feed myself (I come from a very poor family). Fast forward to now, we have an apartment together with a dog of our own, and Ive managed to save up enough money to pay for all of my college and half of hers. Lots of ups and downs in between the two events and a lot has changed in 6 years.

We bonded so much throughout the last 6 years. It's so different dating someone during your teen years, because you see such dramatic changes happening year to year. It was always exciting and fun, and we loved watching each other grow. The spark never seemed to die, and we always say that we are each other's soulmates. However, recently she has started to flirt with one of her co-workers and she has let me known about it from the start. It started as simple talking at first. When he first got hired at her job (lets call him Don), they had much to talk about. When she came home from work the first time she talked to him, she told me about how well they clicked and how much chemistry they had. She word for word said "he loves everything that I love and he is such a cool guy! I honestly would date him, but he doesn't have much going for him". This honestly didn't bother me that much, I was happy for her that she connected with a new friend.

However, this slowly progressed into flirting. She told me not to worry and that it just made her "feel good" to be complimented. However, she also informed me that she flirts back with him, but it's just all for fun and games.I saw how much fun she was having with Don and I didn't want to interrupt so I gave her the "Okay" to keep flirting. After all, I trusted her enough not to pass any boundaries that we set up. This lead to something way more than I expected though. She recently asked me if we wanted to open up our relationship and practice polygamy. She said she just views "sex as sex, it's just an animal instinct". This definitely threw me off. This all just started as talking, then it went to flirting, and now she wants to have sex with this man. I said "I'll think about it" to her offer because I really don't like restricting her, but honestly the question completely made me lose confidence in our relationship. She promised me from the start that this was just a friend and it progressed into something way more than I wanted to. I warned her that "polygamy is like playing with fire" and she agreed that it was but she still wants to go through with it.

Honestly at this point I feel like she's just tired of me. We met at such a young age and She has only had two sexual partners, me and her ex, and I get that she wants to explore. It deeply saddens me that it is this way but I can't look at her the same anymore. I feel like Im holding her back and Im planning to break up with her when she gets back from work tomorrow.

I know that it's half my fault for not communicating as well as I should have. But I also feel that it's partly her fault for letting her "co-worker friend" get this far. I know if I try to sit down and talk to her she would change, but I just can't let myself hold her back like this. Its so obvious that she has fun being flirted with and having the spark and excitement of new partners, and I don't want to hold her back from that. She still talks about how he flirts at work and I can tell she gets all giddy inside when she talks about it. It reminds me of when her and I first met in high school and the spark was still fresh.

I don't know how I'm going to muster the strength to pull through with this, but Ive already made up my mind. It is going to happen tomorrow. Its going to be so hard. I always said that I would die for her, and I didn't mean only physical death. I would die on the inside for her and become a shell of my former self for her if it meant she had a little more fun in life. Thats exactly what I did, I wanted her to have a little more fun and now I feel like Ive lost my best friend and myself. Any tips?

TLDR; My girlfriend met a new coworker a couple months ago and she said he was a really cool guy and honestly her type, but it wasn't going to get anywhere. It then progressed into flirting, but she told me it was just for fun and attention. Now, she wants to open our relationship up in order to have sex with this guy. I feel like I'm holding her back and I'm planning to break up with her tomorrow.

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 05:53AM by Throwaway55898103
My girlfriend (21F) met a new coworker friend a few months ago. She told me he was just a friend, but now she wants to open up our relationship to have sex with him. We have been dating for 6 years. Im (21M) planning to break up with her tomorrow My girlfriend (21F) met a new coworker friend a few months ago. She told me he was just a friend, but now she wants to open up our relationship to have sex with him. We have been dating for 6 years. Im (21M) planning to break up with her tomorrow Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 31, 2021 Rating: 5

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