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My (M29) ex (F29) sent me an email telling me she was "going off grid" and I can't quite tell what she's trying to get out of it.

Me and my ex were best friends for 5 years before we even started dating. Did everything together. We dated for a couple years, and in the end we weren't really meant for each other, and she dumped me. She dumped me in January of 2020 (what a way to start that year, huh?) and I tried doing no contact for awhile. I broke, and we talked on and off over the last two years. She ended up moving to another state to be with a guy she dated before me. In November she just casually drops that she's getting married in December like a bomb on my head. I'm still not completely over my feelings for her, so I just don't respond and ghost her for a few days. Eventually I respond to hera couple times about whatever bullshit, and then I don't hear from her again for 3 weeks which was this email.

"Hey, happy new year's Eve.

I guess I wanted to reach out for the last time and tell you that I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago and just leave you alone and let you heal. I blocked your number on my phone the night after the spiderman premier so I can't text you and your number is gone. I'm not sure if I can block emails but I'll try. I took you off Xbox live and I'm throwing out all the little notes I've kept all this time.

All of these things I should have done a long time ago, but... Even though that chapter is over and hell, we're not even on the same book anymore, it was one of my favorite chapters in my life and always will be. It shaped me into the person I am today, and I'm proud of that person. So thank you for everything.

This is me going off the grid. 2022 will be good to you, I can feel it. Bye friend."

I don't understand why she would send an email saying you're going off the grid instead of just doing it. Is she playing some kind of game, or just trying to get a reaction out me?

TLDR: Best friend of 7 years, girlfriend of 2, now ex sends email saying she's going off the grid and I won't hear from her again basically out of nowhere.

Edit: Ok, more context. I've told her multiple times I was going no contact, and she still sent me emails and messages. I've told her I was going to block her on social media, but she asked me not to because she "wanted to check in on me" (I know I should've done it because that's not my problem, but I didn't and that's not the point I'm trying to make)

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 04:36AM by gvedd941
My (M29) ex (F29) sent me an email telling me she was "going off grid" and I can't quite tell what she's trying to get out of it. My (M29) ex (F29) sent me an email telling me she was "going off grid" and I can't quite tell what she's trying to get out of it. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 31, 2021 Rating: 5

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