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Any advice? It breaks my (F28) heart when my boyfriend (M33) says he stills grapples with if choosing to divorce his ex-wife was the right decision because he misses his daughter.

Any advice would be helpful. My boyfriend (33) has been separated from his ex-wife for 10 months. She said she won't sign the divorce papers until 12 months have gone by, I'm not sure why. He tells me he really struggled with leaving, even though the relationship was dead, he hates not being with his daughter every day and feels like he lost her just because he was selfish and didn't love his ex-wife anyone (they did try to work on the marriage but it didn't help, they got married young and grew into different people, she also cheated and got pregnant by someone else). Ultimately, he feels like it was selfish to put his individual happiness before his daughters "family unit."

His feelings are totally valid and I understand them but it breaks my heart every time, because it suggests that sometimes he feels he should've stayed and I know his ex-wife would accept him back. and even though he says it thinking about his daughter, it makes me feel like he's refering to his ex-wife and family unit.

any advice?


I'm looking for ways to cope with the idea that my boyfriend struggles with his choice to leave a bad marriage, because he feels he lost his daughter, but for me the very idea that he has these thoughts makes me sad, because we wouldn't be together and planning to get married should he have stayed.

any advice from people who have been through it?

Submitted December 22, 2021 at 05:42PM by Life-Drink5874
Any advice? It breaks my (F28) heart when my boyfriend (M33) says he stills grapples with if choosing to divorce his ex-wife was the right decision because he misses his daughter. Any advice? It breaks my (F28) heart when my boyfriend (M33) says he stills grapples with if choosing to divorce his ex-wife was the right decision because he misses his daughter. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 23, 2021 Rating: 5

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