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I (26F) found out that my boyfriend (28M) has had sex with several men in the past and I'm really unsure of how to feel.

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years now and we're currently living together. We're very happy together and I think we both see ourselves getting married in the future.

Yesterday we were having a discussion about sex and things we like. We were on the topic of a certain sexual act and I was wondering how I could be better at it. He gave a lot of very detailed advice, and I kind of jokingly asked how he knew so much about how to do it. His answer shocked me. He said that he knew how to do it so well because he's done it many times on other men. I was surprised by how casually he said it because he has never mentioned doing anything with men in the past. He could see I was surprised and he said didn't realize he had never mentioned being with other men before. I asked if he has been with many men and he said three, all just casually. He asked me if I was okay with that, and I said I was, although honestly I wasn't really sure.

I was really caught off guard, but maybe it's my own fault. We've been together for two years, but I had never specifically asked him about his sexuality or if he has been with other men. I've always assumed he was straight because he has told me lots of stories involving women he has dated in the past, but never said anything about men (which I guess makes sense, he didn't date the men he's been with). I know he has had many sexual partners in the past, probably around a dozen (while he is only my second). I'm just guessing based on all the stories of different women he has dated. I've never asked him how many or any details about his previous sexual partners. I don't believe that's something someone really needs to know about. (Before anyone asks, we were both tested for STis at the beginning of our relationship and are both clean)

This new information isn't sitting well with me and I don't know why. I've felt really off for the past day. I don't think there is anything wrong about what he did, but for some reason it makes me feel weird. I can't figure out why. Maybe it's just not knowing this about him for so long? I'm worried I'm going to look at him differently now.

Please offer me any advice on how to get through this. I feel so ridiculous. Feeling weird about this seems so stupid and invalid. I'm also curious how other ladies would feel in my situation. Would you care at all? Maybe it would actually bother you a lot and is a deal breaker? Please let me know.

TLDR: My boyfriend of 2 years just told me he has had sex with men in the past. I never knew anything about him doing anything with other men, but I also never asked. Confused about my feelings and unsure how to move past this.

Submitted December 10, 2021 at 07:17AM by ThrowRApollywog
I (26F) found out that my boyfriend (28M) has had sex with several men in the past and I'm really unsure of how to feel. I (26F) found out that my boyfriend (28M) has had sex with several men in the past and I'm really unsure of how to feel. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 10, 2021 Rating: 5

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