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Housemate [32M] finds me [22F] hot and it’s making me uncomfortable

He’s 11 years older than me and is a really nice guy but I would never do anything with him sexually/romantically.

When he first moved in he asked me to show him what I look like every time I go out, or if I bought new clothes (shorts and dresses for my holiday) he’d want me to try them on. If I wear jeans around him he’ll message me after to say that I looked very sexy. I’ve told him before that I don’t like those types of comments and he apologised and said he’ll word them differently next time...

Today I was cooking in the kitchen and he pinched my waist lightly and after told me that he does everything for a reason. Jokes about tickling me...saying he’ll pick me up. I said no no stop it I don’t like it but he’s still persistent.

I recently went to a restaurant with him and he got really dressed up and asked me to be as well, and said he’s going to treat me like a gentleman because it’s what I deserve. I hated his chivalry because it made us look like we’re in a relationship..

He leaves notes saying I’m pretty and intelligent and it makes my skin crawl!!!!! Why can’t I just live freely and enjoy my space. I can’t even look him in the eyes and hate when he comes home because he always comes into my room.

I don’t know how to speak to him about it without him getting offended??

TL;DR I’m assuming my housemate finds me hot and it’s making me feel uncomfortable in my own house

EDIT I don’t model clothes for him or show him what I look like when I’m all made up but it something he always suggests lol. And I went to eat with him once because he kept asking

Submitted April 03, 2019 at 01:42PM by laryngitis0
Housemate [32M] finds me [22F] hot and it’s making me uncomfortable Housemate [32M] finds me [22F] hot and it’s making me uncomfortable Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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