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I need honest opinions - is my boyfriend screwing this girl or not? (f27)

This is a super long story, but I'm trying to keep it short. My boyfriend Jack (M28) and me(F27) are together for 5 years. Two years ago he met another female Anne because they attended same classes in college. They became friends and played online video games together. Both at their own homes. Around 1.5 years ago, Annes relationship ended and she started to fully focus on my man Jack.

Flirting(by both of them) , late night texting, sending selfies, "borderline sexy-ish" pictures, Anne tries to make him jealous, cries for attention and what more. I told him to stop, Jack said I was overly suspicious and it was just friendly banter. He said he did not have feelings for her. He always allowed me to read their texts but refused a meetup between me and Anne, because he was afraid I'd go full crazy on her. I found out he has been to her house once to " play video games " and lied to me about it. He apologized but claims they did not have sex.

Some time ago, Anne befriended one of Jacks friends ; Rob. Since the time his friend Rob hangs out with Anne, Rob reacts very angry and unfriendly to Jack. As if Jack did something horrible to Anne. But this does not make sense because Anne still acts all lovey dovey sweet to Jack. forward to September 2018. I never met or spoke to Anne until now. Jack and I are on our way and we suddenly bump into Anne on the subway. We are stuck together for 10 minutes. Anne does not make eye contact with me, stares and makes secret laughs at Jack, touches his hand "by accident". Very awkward and uncomfortable.

One day after this meetup, Jack asked me to sit down. He discussed the topic with his best friend Tom. Tom knows Anne a little bit. Tom opened his eyes and made him realize that Anne's behavior is not respectful towards me. Jack also told me that at the meet-up with Anne, he gave me a kiss but he saw that Anne made a nasty face when he did this. This made him think and he wants to confront her. I did not see that Anne did this.

Today he is going to force a conversation with her and asks whats going on and why she behaves like this. If she has feelings for him. This was all his idea, I did not suggest this. I asked him if he can record the convo with his phone and he agreed. So I have been suspicious about all this for 1.5 years. I have been afraid they had sex.

My question to everyone who reads this; I know you guys are not mind readers - but how big is the chance that Jack speaks the truth and did not have sex with her. If he cheated on me, why would he discuss this weird behavior of Anne with Tom? If they had sex it's pretty clear where all the behavior is coming from right. Or am I being mindfucked? If he wants to gaslight me - why bring up the weird meetup again? Why tell me that she made a nasty face after he kissed me - because I did not see it and this makes me worry. I also did not notice the hand touching by Anne, but Jack replaced his hand told me this afterwards. Is he manipulating me?

Thank you.

TL;DR Partner had an odd relationship with a female friend, who behaves weird towards me. Is this a red flag?

Submitted September 28, 2018 at 05:58AM by blodyrooses111
I need honest opinions - is my boyfriend screwing this girl or not? (f27) I need honest opinions - is my boyfriend screwing this girl or not? (f27) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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