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My roommate [60F] and my boyfriend [47M] are driving me [37F] insane

My boyfriend [47M] of 13 years and roommate [60F] of 5 months are trying to kill me [37F], I swear.

Relevant info: We were all in a pretty dire situation before moving in. My boyfriend and I met our roommate while we were all briefly homeless. Roommate seemed normal, we were fast friends. I found us a beautiful house in a less than perfect area (area is relatively safe, but pretty spread out and secluded and none of us has a car), did all the paperwork for all 3 of us, and secured help from a homeless organization to assist with rent, deposit, and furniture. It was a godsend, and we couldn't be here without them.

Everything was fine at first. We started off sharing all food and meals, which didn't work out (as I knew it wouldn't) because everyone always thinks they provide more and take less than everyone else when that happens. So now we do our own groceries and meals. This is fine. We agreed upon move in that power and gas would be in Roommate's name and cable and internet would be in mine. Water has to be in landlord's name according to the water company. Boyfriend and I pay 2/3 of rent and bills, and in exchange the 3rd bedroom is ours for when my (college age) kids visit. In theory, great.

The problem(s): Turns out Roommate is super paranoid and controlling. There was no sign of this before move in. Examples: When her stuff was moved from storage (paid for by same place that assists us with rent, NOT paid by her), she accused them of smoking weed in the moving truck (they had a vape when they arrived, I think she misunderstood, it didn't smell like weed), accused them of stealing her stuff (she was with them 100% of the time and I saw the empty truck when they left), started talking about getting her "gangster biker friends" to hunt them down and get her stuff, which she claimed was worth thousands (it was a leather jacket and riding chaps that she later found, a mini fridge, some cookie sheets, a 15 year old desktop, and a PS2, so like maybe $100 worth of stuff if I'm generous on the value of the mini fridge). She later accused the landlord of coming in and taking her stuff, as well as the gardener and the organization that is assisting with rent.

This culminated with her accusing us of stealing 3 of her pain pills (we definitely did not, nor did we have any opportunity to) from her room. It was ugly. The bills came due at the same time, but she wouldn't show us the power and gas bills, and we refused to pay until we saw the bills. Literally the day she showed them to us, we paid them, as well as the upcoming bills (minus her share of 1 month of cable).

And that brings us to now. She's claiming we owe her for a $185 power bill (I saw the bill, it was $145) and a water bill that she won't show us for an unspecified amount. She has also presented us with a "bill" for things like: 3 pain pills we "stole" (again, did not and could not have), a bag of charcoal for her barbecue that we do not use, and $500 for the moving company she says stole from her (they offered her $300 and she refused because she thought she should get more and they told her to fuck off). She has not paid the cable/internet bill in 3 months and owes $120 for it. She says she owes $40. She has threatened us physically over this, purposely blasts music early in the morning, and screams and pounds on our door at all hours demanding her money. She has started saying the fridge and microwave are hers only and we can't use them and she will throw away our food (the organization that helped us put the fridge and microwave under her name, dining table that she uses is boyfriend's, and dresser in her room is mine, it's a mess).

My boyfriend has decided that engaging in threats and screaming along with her is the way to go. Last time things blew up he decided to threaten to tell the moving company that she said she planned to lie and say that more things of value were gone. She did say this, but he never spoke to the company. She has decided he did talk to them and just accused us of killing her dog because of it (he keeps getting dental abscesses for the past year or so and she can't afford the surgery, he is very much alive but needs vet work so badly). I have already yelled at him because he threatened it, so of course she thinks that. She has known her dog needs this done well before we moved in. I gave her a list of about 100 organizations that help with vet costs, a bottle of antibiotics I had leftover and didn't use for my cat that cost me $60, and the name of a vet friend of mine that would let her make payments. She utilized none of it.

She and my boyfriend scream and threaten each other every time they see each other. He won't listen to me when I tell him if he won't be part of the solution, at least stop being part of the problem. She just screams every time she sees me even though I wasn't even there for any of their blowouts.

I am barely leaving my room. My poor cats are locked in my room because I don't trust her to not let them out and boyfriend won't watch them when they're out because "I'll just let her dog out if she fucks with the cats." Like, what?? First of all, that doesn't help whatever cat gets out, and second of all, who threatens an innocent animal because they're pissed at the owner??

I feel like I'm living with two ill tempered, spoiled 8 year olds. Moving is not an option. I will take any suggestions.

TL;DR Roommate and boyfriend are at war, I'm the only adult in a house of children and I'm losing my mind.

Submitted September 27, 2018 at 08:57PM by Toss-this_one-awayyy
My roommate [60F] and my boyfriend [47M] are driving me [37F] insane My roommate [60F] and my boyfriend [47M] are driving me [37F] insane Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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