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My [27/f] partner [32/m] is not interested in my hobbies and I'm not sure if he's being a jerk

I recently decided to make a cooking youtube channel. I was really excited about doing it as a project just for fun. I bought a microphone, a little tripod, and some editing software. For about a week I was studying how to edit videos, learning about lighting, etc. I told my partner many times how excited I was about this new project/hobby.

About a week ago I shot my first video while my partner was out of town for a few days. He'd gone on a 4 day spa-resort vacation by himself. He invited me to come, but I had to work (I'm a teacher). And spas aren't really my thing, anyway.

So, I spent probably 10 hours altogether shooting this video, editing, and uploading. I worked really hard on it and I was so excited and proud. I told my partner on the phone that I'd finished my first video and how I'd been working on it all day and that I couldn't wait to show him.

The video was about 6 minutes long when it was finished.

I went to meet my partner at the train station when he got back from his trip and walked him back home. He told me how much he missed me, how nice it was for me to walk him home etc.

About 15 minutes after we got home, I excitedly asked him "hey can I show you the video I made? It's only 6 minutes!"

And he looked annoyed and said "I just got home! You have to let me relax!"

I... felt pretty awful. The way he said it showed that he had absolutely no interest at all. It wasn't like "Oh I'd love to see it but can you give me a couple of hours to settle in?" I would have understood that totally. But it was like I had annoyed him and he wanted nothing to do with it.

So, I didn't mention it at all for about 4 days. Neither did he. I figured that he really was not interested at all, and didn't even want to put in the effort to pretend to be interested.

Today, I shot my 2nd video.

He saw me spend about 4 hours editing it.

He spent the whole afternoon drinking soda on the front porch, relaxing, doing his things.

Around 6 PM I told him "hey, I'm almost finished editing this video.... do you want to see it when I finish?"

And again he seemed annoyed. He sighed and responded, "...what time will you finish? I'm doing my things now..."

And I said "I don't know.... it's literally a 2 and a half minute video... it's not a huge commitment"

He said "Now I'm doing my things. Why don't we set a time to watch it? How about 7 PM?"

I told him "nevermind, you're clearly not interested. You didn't want to see the other video and you obviously don't want to watch this one, which isn't even 3 minutes long. It's ridiculous to have to schedule a time with you for you to watch 2 minutes of something I've been working really hard on."

Then he was like "don't start getting annoyed with me, there was such a nice atmosphere at home. Fine, if you don't want to show me then don't show me. You let me know if you want me to see it"

I'm SO annoyed. Am I being ridiculous here? It's a 2 minute video! He's sitting outside browsing reddit on his laptop right now (which is what he's been doing for the past 4 hours), doing nothing important.

Should I drop it? Insist that he's being a jerk?

tl;dr my SO wouldn't watch a 2 minute video that I made

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 09:32AM by coffeebigdeal123
My [27/f] partner [32/m] is not interested in my hobbies and I'm not sure if he's being a jerk My [27/f] partner [32/m] is not interested in my hobbies and I'm not sure if he's being a jerk Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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