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My friends betrayed me

Just an hour ago I was at my friend's house along with two other friends (all males btw, including me) and they did something which just devastated me. Here's the backstory: unlike all my friends, I'm a Muslim, I do not drink, do drugs or any of that harmful stuff. Those friends I was with are not Muslim but despite that we always got along, we never discriminate each other or anything like that. They alway respected the fact that I'm a muslim so I don't drink, they never forced me to. Well this time I was with them, and the friend whose house we were in (let's call him friend A, the two others are friend B and friend C) offered everyone a drink, he gave my two friends a beer and I got this drink which looked kinda like beer but he assured me there wasnt any alcohol in it. It was made with cherry or grapes, I can't really remember. I still checked the ingredients but it was very dark and I couldn't really see well. I trusted him and figured I would be okay. So we started talking and chatting about life, making jokes and all of that. While drinking the bottle I felt this weird sensation in my chest but I didn't really think much of it. After I finished the bottle, friend A looked over to friend B and said :"should we tell him" and I was like "what". He told me there was alcohol in it and pointed to the label where it says "3.9% alcohol". I couldn't believe my eyes at first, friend C looked shocked as well and said he didnt know anything about it. I stood up without saying a word and left the house on my bike. There was a gate which I didnt know the code to so I waited and friend A came and opened the door while apologising to which I responded "I thought we were friends". I left and friend B and C followed me, they both kept apologising. Friend C kept saying he should've checked the bottle for me and felt guilty for not doing so, I dont blame him, it's not his fault at all. I just pedaled faster and eventually they just left. It was a very lonely ride and felt so so betrayed by them. I just got home and went up to the toilet bowl and made myself vomit by putting my fingers in my throat. I took a shower and faked being happy to my family because I don't want them finding out. I'm in bed right now close to crying. I don't know what to do. Ps: I apologise if it's not worded correctly, English isnt my native language

Tl:dr) Friends tricked me into drinking alcohol despite them knowing I'm Muslim

Submitted September 28, 2018 at 12:56PM by Soufiani
My friends betrayed me My friends betrayed me Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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