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My ex [M32] from 8 years ago continues to contact me [F30]. He wants to talk about our breakup, I'm considering talking to him in exchange for him leaving me alone.

I dated Mike for ~6 months in 2010. For me, it was a fling, for him, not so much. I broke it off, telling him I wasn't interested, and he seemed to feel the same. About a month after the breakup though, he started harassing me; contacting me regularly through phone, email, social media, etc. He broke into my parents' house to leave tokens of our relationship (ticket stubs from events, a biscuit tin from a trip, etc.).

Since then he has been trying to contact me through social media every few months, to the point where I have my privacy set to the strictest settings. The only remaining account that he can communicate through is an old email that I leave open because I fear his retaliation if he can't reach me at all.

A couple of days ago, I received yet another message from Mike asking for me to clarify things and explain why he was a lousy partner because he's trying to be a better person. Am I crazy for considering it? I am thinking about setting up a time and speaking openly with him (not in person) about why we broke up, in exchange for him to leave me alone, and then if he doesn't bugger off, begin the process of filing a restraining order.

ETA: I began dating my now-wife a few months after Mike and I broke up, and she is also torn on this issue. We have looked into restraining orders from the beginning and the police have told us that there isn't enough evidence to warrant one, and in the UK it is a big judiciary process. I haven't spoken to Mike since the breakup, all the messages recieved have gone unanswered.

TL;DR: My ex won't stop contacting me, but said he would if I answered some questions. Am I crazy to consider it?

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 12:48PM by jealousgirlie
My ex [M32] from 8 years ago continues to contact me [F30]. He wants to talk about our breakup, I'm considering talking to him in exchange for him leaving me alone. My ex [M32] from 8 years ago continues to contact me [F30]. He wants to talk about our breakup, I'm considering talking to him in exchange for him leaving me alone. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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