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Parents (50s F and 50s M) are smothering me (F 18) and it's unhealthy

I love my parents with all my heart. They care about me and love me, which I'm so grateful for and would never deny. However, I have always felt my relationship with them was unhealthy and a bit abnormal. I just started university (commuting, not living on residence) and I'm an only child if that helps.

Throughout my childhood I was sheltered a lot more than those around me were. My elementary school was 30 seconds away from my home and my dad walked me there and picked me up every day. I was never allowed to go to friends houses if they lived in an apartment building instead of a house, or in a "bad area". I've been verbally abused by my mom especially but I've gotten used to it over the years. I work at a store right around the block and my parents insist on coming to visit me every time I'm on my break, bringing me food and sitting with me. When I tell them I'm capable of sitting by myself they get offended and guilt trip me. These are just some examples so you can kind of get the jist of what they're like.

Also, moving out isn't exactly an option. They have NO idea why I would want to move out, it is inconceivable to them. They were brought up with the idea that moving out should happen when you're married. (They're Irish an Maltese if that helps). They are also catholic so they think moving in with someone means you are going to sleep with them and that its "slutty". I feel so trapped and I can't handle this.

I recently joined a sorority and I'm so happy to have an opportunity to actually feel like I'm living a normal life. However, every time I'm out at an event (or ANYWHERE) at all, my mom requires me to phone her when I arrive, when I go home, and during the day/night. It's a little bit embarrassing and I can't help but feel alienated for pulling aside to call my mom 4 times a day when nobody else has to. She also makes me call her when I get to school and when I leave to go home. Last night, I was at a sorority party, and this was the first party I've ever been to. It was 12 am and I kept calling my mom like she asked, but she started yelling at me down the phone and guilt tripping me saying I'm making her lonely by going out and that she misses me. When I got home, she complained that I kept her up because she couldn't sleep with anxiety that I was out at night. This is stupid to feel this way but I'm crying as I type this because I'm so overwhelmed.

How do I make them stop acting like this?

TD;LR; My parents guilt trip me for hanging out with friends and complain that they miss me throughout the day. My mom makes me call her whenever I arrive places and when I leave to go home, even though I'm 18. How do I get them to stop? (Moving out is not an option).

Submitted September 28, 2018 at 12:12PM by gas-station-queen
Parents (50s F and 50s M) are smothering me (F 18) and it's unhealthy Parents (50s F and 50s M) are smothering me (F 18) and it's unhealthy Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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