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My (17M) boyfriend is suffocating me with his perpetual need to be in some form of contact with me (17M)

To preface this my boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years now. He confessed to me unsure of whether I'd reciprocate and after thinking about it for a summer I decided to give him a chance and we've been together since.

Our relationship is nice most of the time but multiple times a week it gets to the point where I just want him to stop talking to me and leave me be, or he's crying because I'm asking him to let me go home or something. He has depression, anxiety, and OCD so I try to be accommodating because while I can't relate to what he's feeling all the time I want to avoid being another cause of stress for him but it doesn't ever seem to be enough. For example, we will be working on homework and he'll stop and look at the ceiling so I'll ask "Are you okay?" and sometimes he'll respond saying "Yeah, I just need a minute" and other times he'll ignore me. Recently he's been telling me asking him questions when he's like that stresses him more. Simply asking if he's alright, something you'd think would be taken as a sign of concern, causes him to be stressed. So I've been trying to stop asking him questions when's he like that but now it seems even asking him "What are you doing on this day?" Or anything else that occurs in casual conversation stresses him. I can't really talk to him with stepping on eggshells so I'm at a loss on what to do.

Getting on to the very attached part, he always wants to be touching me. I don't mean in a sexual way, he almost never wants to do things like that, and I feel petty saying this but his lack of sexual interest furthers my growing discontent towards the relationship. He seemingly wants us to be attached at the hip. At school he wants to he wrapped around my arm all the time, or leaning at me, or holding my hand. At his place he always wants me to hug him, and hold his hand, and not leave the room he's in. It all feels so suffocating. I can't talk to him about how I feel because he'll start crying and say I hate him, and I can't tell him I don't always want to be connected to him because sometimes I wanna move around by myself and it gets uncomfortable because he'll just start crying and saying things like "Oh, he hates me. I knew it." Even when we're not together we're in near constant contact with one another beach we text each other endlessly. I just feel so trapped like I can't get a moment of me time because whenever I have some he's texting me saying "Im sad" and "I miss you" like a broken record, and like everything else nothing I say helps him get better.

With college applications coming soon too I haven't had anytime to work on essays because he's been consuming all my free time, and as I said earlier he gets very upset when I confront him about almost anything, so I can't find the time to really work on college essays. He's planning to go to a local college so for him college application season doesn't really matter but I'm applying out of state and whatnot so I sort of need my time to get my ducks in a row but he just keeps being a roadblock to progress. There's just so many different ways he's limiting me, and so many ways he's limiting me trying to help him with his problems. I know he doesn't really mean to and he can't entirely control it but what am I supposed to do?

Tl;dr: I feel smothered by my boyfriend, I can't talk to him about it. What do?

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 03:26AM by ItSoundsLikeAnOwl
My (17M) boyfriend is suffocating me with his perpetual need to be in some form of contact with me (17M) My (17M) boyfriend is suffocating me with his perpetual need to be in some form of contact with me (17M) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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