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My cousin (26F) is marrying a con-man (30'sM) - She's won't listen to reason, how can anyone help her?

My cousin (26F) has met a guy (early 30s) and they're engaged to be married.

They're both from Pakistani backgrounds (cousin is 3rd generation, the guy is 2nd generation), live in the UK

It wasn't an arranged marriage or anything like that, she found him herself, the marriage was also arranged without my cousins family being aware

The problem is that this guy is clearly a con artist but my cousin keeps defending his actions because she's desperate to be married despite actually being attractive and educated (the guy is not attractive or educated)

Here's a list of stuff that's going on, it's been pointed out to my cousin how weird all of this is but she defends hims staunchly and accuses anyone who points it out of being "against" her and that they don't want to her to be happy, that sort of thing

  • Her soon to be father-in-law requested 2 photos of her, one of her wearing western clothes and another wearing Pakistani clothes - both against white backgrounds (she took them specially and provided them)
  • The family have also requested and been given photos of my cousin as a child, the weird thing though is that they have also asked for pictures of her siblings as children (and photos of them together)

My suspicion is that these images will be edited (white background) and used for some kind of immigration scam

  • The guy claimed to be a solicitor but according to research he isn't (checked name, not registered), the name he provided appears to be an assistant at a law firm
  • When my aunt asked to meet the guy and his family, they insisted that the meeting take place at a grotty takeaway instead of their home

Sounds like they're hiding something though the second time my aunt met his family. It was at their house.

  • My cousin makes 20k/year and owns a house, the guy lives in a bedsit in a very "deprived" area
  • Cousin also has a large amount of savings because she went into work straight after finishing university and lived at home
  • He has arranged all aspects of the wedding himself (date, venue, caterers) but my cousin will e paying for it
  • It's a pakistani wedding, the mens and women will be separated. The mens part of the wedding will be much larger/extravagant than the womens
  • All the caters and other people doing work for the wedding are friends of the guy and are charging TRIPLE the normal price (checked online for standard prices)
  • The guy wants a pre-nup

Clearly scamming her

  • He alleged that my aunt and her family were rude to him when they met despite them bending over backwards to accommodate him the first time they met
  • He alleged that my aunt was taking control of arrangements for the wedding despite her not even knowing the date/venue
  • He booked the wedding venue without letting me cousin know, I believe this was also before he asked to for marriage

He's outright lying to isolate my cousin by causing a rift between her and her family

So, what can be done at this stage? It's the thing with the photos that has gotten me concerned, I don't know what kind of scam that relates to but it's clearly something. Because of how many different angles he's screwing her on I feel like he's done this shit before or at least some other kind of crime, if I can figure out what the deal with the photos is I could report him to the police - that's my idea, get the police involved because she's not listening to reason and her common sense has gone out the window

TL;DR; : My cousin is getting financially scammed by her partner and being set up for something bigger, how can I help her before it's too late?.

Submitted September 29, 2018 at 12:37PM by IhelplsI
My cousin (26F) is marrying a con-man (30'sM) - She's won't listen to reason, how can anyone help her? My cousin (26F) is marrying a con-man (30'sM) - She's won't listen to reason, how can anyone help her? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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