Alex and I have been together for nearly five years, but he has only recently signed up for Twitter (about a month ago), and only joined Instagram late last year. I was scrolling through my Twitter feed when I saw his tweet showing a picture of his cat. I love his cat! His cat loves me! I click on the tweet.
The tweet was a reply to someone's post asking for pet pictures because she felt like crap. I click on this girl's profile and find that she's local. No one else in our circle seems to have followed her, so I look her up on Facebook. No mutual friends. I go back to Alex's Twitter page and check out his Likes. In the one month that he's been on Twitter, I'd say about a third of his liked tweets have been this girl's. None of them are noteworthy, nothing funny, just rants about everyday problems. I look at Alex's list of followed accounts. I get it -- guys follow porn stars and models. It's normal. But this girl is different.
I look her up on Instagram, where Alex also follows her. This is not some internet celeb halfway across the world. This is a girl with a regular profession written in her bio, who I might bump into at a store, someone attainable, someone who happens to have almost nothing but travel pictures--and bikini pictures--on her account. Almost every bikini pic has about three or so flirty comments, but she only responds to Alex, and it seems like he's been at it since he signed up for Instagram. The latest one was a "pretty :)" on a picture that didn't even have her face on it, just her backside in a cheeky swimsuit. He never comments or even likes anything I post (none of them provocative, but still). He's not very present on social media at all.
At this point I guess I have to mention that I have always had self-esteem issues and really bad anxiety, but I was in a good place when I met Alex. I was at my fittest, and I was really confident for the first time in my life. This little discovery has shaken me like nothing else has and I'm finding it hard to breathe at the moment. It's there for all to see and I can't help feeling humiliated.
Judging from her posts, he was flirting with her on the three trips we took this year. The trips I planned in the hopes of reigniting our intimacy (it has been a dry spell this year, because he works night shifts and is supposedly exhausted all the time). I spoil him. I try to take good care of myself. Despite the lack of sex, which he constantly apologizes for, he's affectionate. Things seemed okay.
We don't live together. Our workplaces are two hours away from each other, so we only really see each other on weekends and during holidays. I'm meeting him tomorrow, and I don't know how to approach this because I've never had to deal with this in past relationships. Help?
Tl;dr, my boyfriend is flirting with a "real" girl online and I don't know how to proceed.
Submitted September 01, 2018 at 06:30AM by anotherpatapon
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