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Verbal Abuse & LTR

Hey all,

I'm currently in an LTR of 2 years. I'm dealing with a situation I largely created.

We've been together 2 years. Amazing all-around relationship. She respects me immensely. We've both been reciprocal and happy throughout our time together. I love her a lot - she does so much for me and she's genuinely a great girlfriend.

The issue is I can have a pretty harsh way of verbally cornering people when I want to get to the bottom of something. I'm a successful entrepreneur and I have good negotiation skills. The downside is I can be annoying to deal with sometimes in a convo with close family & my LTR because that 'switch' is always on. I try to turn that business switch off with my LTR, but sometimes it carries over from my day-to-day work.

A few mornings ago I had one of those conversations with my LTR. I said shitty things to her for almost no reason (which was ridiculous on my part). She completely shut off as a result. My LTR ghosted me for 3 days (which I was largely fine with). Today, she came over my house (somewhat reluctantly) to discuss what happened. She doesn't want to continue the relationship because she thinks I need mental help. This is definitely a slow build up over time. I've gotten better with how I speak to her, but it's still a problem sometimes (I admit).

I told her I don't disagree with what she's saying, and that I apologized for the way I spoke to her (I was genuinely disappointed in my behavior). I'm not seeking her approval or acceptance. I also told her I appreciated everything she's done for me and I value her support and love. No begging, no push. I laid it out there. From my own perspective, I'd be incredibly disappointed for this relationship to end. I get a lot of benefits being in a relationship with her, and as a whole we've done very well.

She said she needs time to process what happened. She obviously still loves me, but she's tired of the mental abuse (she's emotional and I'm very direct and draining in my language sometimes).

I'm assuming the best approach is to give her complete silence for 1-2 weeks and see where the chips fall. If I don't hear anything from her, I'll most likely move on.

Any input would be awesome.

Thanks a lot /TRP

Submitted July 28, 2018 at 04:37PM by affiliatethrowaway13
Verbal Abuse & LTR Verbal Abuse & LTR Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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