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Women ARE capable of taking accountability for failed relationships

Link to article posted on Instagram Incase you want to look at the comments from the post.

I’ve come across an interesting article the other day regarding women taking accountability in failed relationships. This piece comes from the tabloid website Baller Alert that reports on various things popular within the realm of the entertainment world. I wanted to share this article because it attempts to point out women can be accountable for failed relationships but as you guessed, a man turned them into the person they are.

There has been a meme floating around stating “Never heard a female say ‘I had a good ngga but I fcked up.” Of course, my first reaction was “What f*ckboy wrote this foolishness?”

It’s not that women are incapable of acknowledging their wrongdoing, at times we don’t realize that we are doing anything wrong. Then on the other hand, we have some situations that we prefer to keep to ourselves because we know that men can’t handle a woman’s truth. I believe we, as women, can be very honest if we were to do something wrong but because men think everything we do is from an emotional state, we know they wouldn’t be able to handle it and some times vice versa.

As a woman, it’s easy to shift the blame or pass the buck in a relationship, especially if you’ve been hurt before. Many women use relationships to heal, under the pretense that “the best way to get over a bad breakup is to get under someone else.” As a result, they tend to channel the hurt they felt in their previous relationship and funnel it into their new relationship, ruining it before it even began.

But, still, when she reflects on the relationship with her friends, the mantra remains, “N*ggas ain’t shit.

Why is that?

The answer is simple. Regardless of whether or not a woman pushes a “good man” away or ruins a relationship over her own insecurities, there will always be that one man that made her that way. The woman that was once a bundle of joy or a breath of fresh air, is now an angry, bitter Betty, who hates the woman she’s become.

So, how does this woman heal her heart? Love herself, first. When you realize your worth, you’ll be able to choose wisely when it comes to the men you date. You’ll only gravitate toward the men that are worthy of your presence, that won’t take your love for granted. Although things may not always work out, you have an easier time separating yourself from someone you once loved because you have the love within yourself to sustain you.

I won’t be giving an in-depth analysis into each specific paragraph in this article but I will mark key aspects of it. The main point was to illustrate woman are capable of reflecting on previous relations but it turned out to as shift of blame with a eat,pray, love conclusion.

Some the types of blame being put on men include:

  • believing men can’t handle a women’s truth ( trickle truth)
  • Women sometimes don’t know what they’re doing is wrong (female solipsism)
  • One man turned her into the women she currently is (lack of agency)
  • Only dating men worthy of their presence that won’t take it for granted (female entitlement)

The article only proves regardless of knowing they have a part in a failed relationship, a man will be the root cause of why it failed.

Submitted July 31, 2018 at 07:29PM by PerplexingPegasus_
Women ARE capable of taking accountability for failed relationships Women ARE capable of taking accountability for failed relationships Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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