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Making Decisions from a Position of Strength

I'll try and make this brief, I'm mostly making this post to spur a discussion. This post also assumes you already know what you want in life across multiple facets, but are maybe having some transitional or mechanical trouble attaining milestones. If you're not there yet, refer to the sidebar until everything clicks.

I'm actually going to start off by pulling a concept that's fairly unanimous in the business sphere:

Always negotiate from a position of strength.

Now, you should be applying this concept to any choice or decision you may make throughout your life. Phrased another way, it's incredibly important to mitigate any situation where the ball is not in your court. This applies to relationships, business dealings, salary negotiations, confrontations, sex, self-improvement, academics, you name it. I think most of us are aware that the discussions and values that take place in this community try to emphasize the fact that the mindset we build for ourselves is not just to deal with or to garner success with women (the most common topic discussed here by far); no, it is to consciously improve ourselves by realizing life for what it is and capitalizing on opportunities within our power. You maximize that power, as well as the effectiveness of it, by choosing a course substantiated by strength.

Let's ask ourselves a series of rhetorical questions, then try to think how we can apply this concept to virtually every decision we make, no matter how large or small.

Why, within reason, willingly cede control in any given situation where you know you want something?

Would a successful lawyer allow any stoned unturned when trying to win a case? Will he not do as much research as possible to know his opposing argument's every strength, weakness, flaw, or detail? No. Of course, he will approach the case capitalizing on every opportunity possible to win the case.

Would a successful surgeon ever go out drinking until 4am the night before he must perform open-heart surgery? No. He will make sure he is rested and well-versed on his patient's condition, and he is confident he will save that person's life.

Would a successful entrepreneur ever start businesses with bad credit, unreliable business partners, or not enough assets to cover his investment in case his venture goes south? No. He will save until the time is right, or he will partner with people which substantiate the strength of the business's viability.

Would a successful investor ever invest $50k into a relatively unknown cosmetology start up with virtually no track record nor any signs of a profitable trajectory? No. He will consult with his broker, or someone else who's educated, or do enough of his own research where he can feel confident his money is being invested properly.

Some more examples, on a smaller scale, that I hope are easy to digest:

  • Don't show up to an interview for your dream job that you might know pays less than other jobs in your field without multiple other offers in your pocket for leverage on salary/benefits.
  • Look her in the fucking eyes. Don't be a pussy. Control and lead the body language in any interchange with women you are seeking to pursue.
  • Let her think, don't answer for a few days. Let the tension brew and become the catalyst which releases it when you and only you decide to make the effort.
  • Show up for an exam prepared, basically, put in the time and know your shit. Only a fool would risk bad performance for incompetence when seeking to compete in the classroom.
  • Increase weight on your routines when you positively know your form is perfected. No short term gains are worth crippling your spine when trying to dead-lift 500 pounds.
  • Do not initiate a confrontation with a coworker, a police officer, or that douche bag in the bar unless you are absolutely certain you will leave the situation out on top.

By making decisions and acting from a position of weakness, you only affirm the possibility that you will fail or that things will not go the way you wish. By making decisions and acting from a position of strength, you only affirm the possibility of success and following through with which you set out for in the first place, with the added benefit of mitigating any chances of being blindsided.

Submitted July 30, 2018 at 06:34PM by jefferson_
Making Decisions from a Position of Strength Making Decisions from a Position of Strength Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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