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Me [23/F] and my boyfriend [23/M] are moving in together. I have a lot more money saved up. How do I handle this?

My boyfriend and I are moving out of state because I am going to medical school. I have ~$8000 saved up, whereas he has only ~$1200. I will be taking out loans for school no matter what, and I am not super concerned with finances at the moment. His parents are going to pay his half of rent/his living expenses for a year or so until he gets onto his feet.

He just got a job, working ~30/hrs per week for about $14/hr. We just drove up to our new place and I bought a lot of stuff for the apartment and tried to buy as much of the food and gas as possible. I have the money saved up and it's important to me to have a nice place. However, I don't know how to buy everything without making him feel uncomfortable.

I said to him, "Hey, I don't want to split the decorations I just bought because I know you wouldn't have spent this money if it was up to you. Having the apartment decorated is really important to me and I don't mind spending money on it, but I don't expect you to split that cost with me."

I know it stresses him out to have spent so much ($200 or so) on gas and food. For me, though, I don't mind. I make about $300 a week and I'm fine spending up to ~$1000 on new things for our place. But I'm not sure how to tell him pretty much "You're moving here just to be with me, you got a not-that-great job because you're in the middle of nowhere to be with me, so I want to pay most of these moving expenses."

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

TL:DR: I have more money saved than BF, I don't want him to stress about moving costs because he's moving just to be with me, but I also don't want him to feel like he's not contributing.

Submitted July 30, 2018 at 11:45AM by movinupthrowaway
Me [23/F] and my boyfriend [23/M] are moving in together. I have a lot more money saved up. How do I handle this? Me [23/F] and my boyfriend [23/M] are moving in together. I have a lot more money saved up. How do I handle this? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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