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Good hearted men with an edge

Last weekend I was dragged to a wedding I was thankful to attend. Invariably, weddings are dressed heavily in dogma of male servitude and this one was no exception. And so, I usually dread this up until the drinks start flowing and everyone drops the act so that their true selves makes a short appearance for the night free from inhibition. The masks remain on their cheeks, but mostly off. As the need to maintain the facade fades, baseline impulses and desires come out.

For women, we already know what this means. The way we understand women becomes more apparent, but uniquely enough, the way we understand median men becomes equally more apparent. The divergence between the true nature of women, and the conditioning of men, becomes blatant.

At the table were some millennial couples, and let me tell you, we were blown away at just how "millennial" they were. The usual she's too good for me trope was out in full force, but what really hit me was a realization that struck to the very nerve that divides blue and red pill men, truly.

Ultimately, amorality follows from a full unplugging.

I realized that this group of men, all deeply blue pill, had a belief they were in fact good hearted men, with an edge. Even admitting so after some prodding. And then I had a painful reminder of a time of weakness where I had even once myself claimed this very same trope to myself, still very deep within the illusory truth we call blue pill conditioning. And remembered when I also steeped myself in self-deprecating humor and effigies to desexualize myself to present myself as harmless.

Suddenly it became clear, that this is the way a man can realize he still has a way to go in his journey, even if he believes he's made it far. It's certainly a marker of weak men, but also of men who have set real boundaries, understand the world around them and are well on their way to a full unplugging and embracing the true Hobbesian anarchy of the SMP, but still have some hangups.

The edge, can't be conceptual. It can't be potential. It's can't even be an edge. In fact, properly put, men must be monsters who are capable of extending kindness to a woman when it wants to, when she deserves it. Which is conceptually at an angle but intersects with the concept of "nice guy with an edge."

This concept is also expounded on in The "True Alpha" : On Male Virtue, where I tear apart a poster for virtue signaling this very phenomenon and trying to wrap it in a red flag. The short hand is that we get a nice look into a man that is a monster doing things monsters do, while the women he "victimizes" come back for more.

And so I offer you this black truth.

If you believe you are a good man, with an edge, you are most likely self-rationalizing your weakness. That you would ultimately concede as true if you sat in a room full of bastards and criminals. That you'd ration away was "not truly masculine" in our jargon (which I address at length on The "True Alpha" : On Male Virtue).

The truth of the matter is that it is a convenient cope, and that every median man feels the same way. While some of the weakest men proclaim they even lack an edge, most men believe they have it.

There is a reason why their primary "orientation," if you could call it that, is to be good hearted or a good dude or even a nice guy. Because ultimately, that's what they are. Just that they subconsciously realize such a thing isn't all that valuable, so instead, they conceive a solipsistic male solution they believe "balances the equation."

Experienced women see through this. They paw at these men like lions with a wounded gazelle, that doesn't even know its wounded. They massage their ego and extract what they can from these useful idiots and leave a wake of discarded entrails behind them. Yet even after they've been destroyed, these men would cling to the idea that they do still in fact, have an edge.

I feel very fortunate and thankful for the men that shepherded me, who truly set me free. Because weak men can't understand what being a monster does for you. They are preoccupied with the moral component to unplugging, and viscerally feel guilt and emotional pain for "acting bad" or even thinking about or conceptualizing what this would be like. These are, in my opinion, secondary emotions that cover their baseline, which is in fact fear.

These are feelings that slowly faded over time for me and will with anyone as they become more experienced in the SMP and frankly, the world in general. What you learn, and I will post to, is that no one cares.

Everyone is out getting theirs, wether they consciously know it or admit it. Some people are oblivious enough that they rob others guilt free, because they truly believe their abhorrent behavior is justified. The blue haired radfem who legitimately believes that all men are subjugating her believes when she swallows her boyfriend's best friend's cum that he deserves it. She doesn't give this any pause. Maybe a decade later she might reflect that she was "kind of a horrible person" but she doesn't feel that guilt, or emotional pain, the fear.

Other people post hoc rationalize it. The reason why she passed off another man's baby as his, is because of that time when they were in college and he was treating her terribly. At least that's how she remembers it. He was probably... definitely cheating. Definitely. The first couple times she thought like this she felt the fear, she knew it was wrong, but also, sort of exciting. Should it feel good to be bad? Eventually, 18 years later, she'll feel absolutely nothing as she lays that black truth at his feet and slides over a divorce settlement.

Every time I hear a guy shoot himself "out of nowhere" I know exactly what happened. Some variation of the last paragraph you just read. Are we getting off track? No.

The truth is, those that don't find ways to "get theirs" are the defects. Not the ones who are "bad people." Which is itself Orwellian doublespeak. There are good people who are naive, and as Machiavelli pointed out in The Prince, time will expose them to the bastards who will force them to harden, die or cope.

And so, when the good guy with an edge is confronted with the woman who has fucked, sucked and been emotionally enslaved by one monster or many and she paws at him he must make a choice.

He can decide that he has no edge and admit his folly, that his "niceness" is merely a masquerade to fool himself from his own weakness and grow. To understand and tolerate amorality because morality serves only as chains for men to continue their lives in covert servitude. To die and resolve themselves as "men going their own way." Or to continue deceiving themselves and cope.

The trick your brain has played on you is to convince you that you're different. And that you're better for being weak.

But you don't get to claim to be the man "with an edge" that who if he was confronted by a woman who knows the weak from the monstrous would paw at him and laugh. You can choose to be the man that "victimizes" women who come back to him and serve him, or you can be the man who is victimized.

Submitted July 31, 2018 at 07:31AM by sadomasochrist
Good hearted men with an edge Good hearted men with an edge Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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