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Does my family have a moral obligation to share deceased, addict brother's (30sM) estate with his long-term, enabling girlfriend (30sF)?

Within the past two years it became apparent to my family that my brother was an opioid addict and alcoholic. We didn't know how serious it was until he was hospitalized for several months due to complications from his drug and alcohol abuse. He spent weeks in the ICU and came close to death. During his hospitalization, his live-in girlfriend of 10+ years (never married) expressed her shock and surprise along with the rest of my family. She claimed to know nothing of his drug and alcohol abuse. She became very close with my mother, spending hours on the phone with her daily lamenting my brother's addiction. He was eventually released from the hospital, refused to enter treatment and returned home with his girlfriend.

My family and I feared that things were spiraling further out of control but he and his girlfriend continued to assure us that he was "doing better". Several weeks ago he died of an overdose. In the aftermath, we discovered that not only was his girlfriend an opioid addict and alcoholic as well, but that she continued to supply him with drugs and alcohol during his hospitalization. The circumstances of his death indicate that his girlfriend, who was home at the time, was high and failed to notice the he laid dead or dying on the floor of their apartment for several hours before she called the paramedics.

My brother made some smart investments in cryptocurrency and he left behind a significant amount of money (<$100,000). He did not leave a will and a lawyer has assured us that his girlfriend has no legal right to his estate, so it will pass to my parents. When he passed and we discovered the extent of her lies and manipulation, the family initially decided to put this money in trust for his nieces and nephews. The idea of paying for rehabilitation for his girlfriend was also passed around, but it appears that her health insurance is covering the cost.

However, as time passes, my mother has stated that she now feels we have a moral obligation to give the money to his girlfriend. He did love her and they spent 10+ years of their lives together. But giving her this money doesn't feel right to me. What's the right thing to do?

An aside, while cleaning out their apartment I found numerous overdue credit card bills in the girlfriend's name. She hasn't worked in months and is buried in credit card debt. Why they didn't sell the cryptocurrency to pay off the debt I don't know. I imagine if we do give her some or all of the money it will eventually be taken by creditors.

TL:DR - My addict brother died of an overdose partly due to his long-term, addict girlfriend's enabling. Do we owe her all or part of his estate?

Edited to add: I feel it's necessary to point at that my brother no saint either. He also manipulated and lied to me, our family and possibly even his girlfriend. He also made horrible choices. While she definitely did not help him, I'm under no illusion that his girlfriend directly caused his death. His choices were his own.

Submitted July 31, 2018 at 05:17AM by whatsourobligation
Does my family have a moral obligation to share deceased, addict brother's (30sM) estate with his long-term, enabling girlfriend (30sF)? Does my family have a moral obligation to share deceased, addict brother's (30sM) estate with his long-term, enabling girlfriend (30sF)? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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