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All you have to be is different for her to cheat

Apologies for formatting, I'm on mobile.

Attraction is non negotiable. I've been on this subreddit since mid 2015 and I don't know what's happened over the past year or 2, but the amount of people who believe that just by lifting or acting "Alpha" they will be able to retain a woman indefinitely, is astounding and reeks of a lack of experience. It's just like the top stickied post u/redpillschool posted, it seems like the level of critical thinking here has dispersed. Will you be more likely to keep a woman long term by following these tenets? There's a pretty good chance, but from my day to day observations, although anecdotal, this couldn't be farther from the truth. Here are some examples.

Girl 1

Met her at work(never date a girl from work). I'm 5'9 average looks, black hair, brown eyes. Started dating her for a week, slept with her once with the lights off( will explain how this is relevant later). After sleeping with her, I try to make plans again, but she starts acting distant. I suspect she has found someone else, which she has. Turns out my roommate and her were sleeping together and she only revealed this to me after finding out that I have a 6 pack through a selfie I posted on snapchat. Apparently this was enough for her to determine she wanted a relationship with me. I found out the next day however, she was still making plans to see him, even after she had confessed her love for me, and the kicker? My roommate was a chubby 5'7 guy. How can she possibly be attracted to this guy when on paper I'm taller and better looking than him? Intrigued by this,I had asked her the day of her confession, why she had been sleeping with him. Her answer? His eyes. Yup, this chubby pleb has pretty nice blue eyes, and that was enough for her to move on from me to him even though I have higher smv minus the eye color. Example 2.

Another Co worker who had just started recently and I had never spoken to. It was my last day and she was at the lockers, so I decided to make some small chat. We literally talked about school and work for about 10-15 mins. Absolutely no flirtation or sexual tension. A few months later a former Co worker of mine, who I occasionally play games with tells me how this girl had a thing for me, having mentioned it to him and a few of our other Co-workers.

So let me get this straight, a girl I spoke to for a couple of minutes, had determined she was willing to throw away her relationship of 3 years with her boyfriend, for someone she talked to for 10-15 minutes. Let that sink in. The boyfriend was easily better looking than me as well. 6'2, finishing up his nursing degree and by all intents and purposes a great all around individual.

I have more examples most of which it's not even me, but friends or other people I know who have had similar experiences. The point I'm trying to make here is that a woman's attraction is always changing. One month she could be attracted to the caricature Chad, or another month she could be attracted to dad bods. Human attraction is far more complex and dynamic than any other animal on the planet, especially when you factor in hormonal birth control. Back in the day there were less options for her so she had to stick with the best possible option for her offspring. In today's day an age, with the advent of tinder and social media, it's an all out buffet for women. You could be the embodiment of Chad, but if some skinnyfat pleb has a different eye color that will be enough for her to cuck you. Oh yeah, and never get married

Submitted July 31, 2018 at 10:09AM by Rhaxas
All you have to be is different for her to cheat All you have to be is different for her to cheat Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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