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Getting laid on business trips/hitting expats in your local city

I wrote a post previously and a few members messaged for me to expand this into a more detailed piece.

For busy men, the desire for spinning multiple plates can be difficult and time-consuming; I find at 3+ plates it's a considerable time investment to keep the 4th and 5th plate spinning.

A common low time cost strategy I used whilst I was living overseas was focusing on expats and (mostly married) women on international business as low hanging fruit that I could harvest seasonally. This typically only works for cities with a cosmopolitan and international business focus, San Francisco, LA, Houston, London, Seoul, Tokyo, Shanghai etc.

The benefits are the following:

  • you will have an increased SMV for being exotic (depending on where you are from and your accent) or additionally,

  • Women overseas in a new environment will sleep around due to no exposure to those that will judge them,

  • The logistics are good (hotel near city center etc), and

  • Women in LTR's or those who are married tend to use these trips as opportunities to get laid without repercussion.

  • Most business executives, at least those in my circle, we have a rotation of cities we travel to regularly, often quarterly or monthly depending on the role, meaning it’s rather easy to flip a one night stand into a regular affair.

1. Where to find

The easiest logistics is nice hotel bars in an international city, weeknights at around 8-10pm.

Dress with business or business casual.

One common location for my business trips is China, I often stay at China World Tower in Beijing, it’s the tallest tower in the city, rather expensiv so it's mostly those on business. The top two floors are a bar with 360 degree views of the city called Atmosphere, although it hosts a few hundred people and a jazz performer it’s rather quiet and intimate.

If a woman is drinking alone, grab a seat nearby, order a drink. Make small talk with the bartender. If she glances or makes eye contact, start a conversation; be social.

I do this for both women and men if they look interesting; it's a good way to network unless of course they evidently want to drink alone in peace. *You don't need an opener, simply introduce yourself, shake their hand firmly with strong eye contact, ask them what they're drinking * (if they offer you to taste it's a good indication), ask where they are from, if they speak French or English (My mother tongue) or the local language, or if you're smoking ask for a light or offer to light their cigarette.

I seldom smoke except for when I travel, but I have found it a good way of also filtering compliance and perhaps this is just my observations but women who drink and smoke typically are more promiscuous (women who make bad long-term decisions, usually also make bad short-term decisions).

If you are good looking, and a woman sees a well-dressed man in a suit from an exotic country; you will be attractive. Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo etc especially as there are few Western men and locals don't pursue Western women for several reasons (age, social/cultural bias, height difference, language barrier etc).

2. Escalate

After thirty minutes or less I'll ask her to join me for a smoke, for a better view of the city, to where it’s more quiet, whatever to shift the location. If it's colder, I often offer your jacket and then escalate or not depending on the feedback. From there you can use whatever line to get her to join you for a drink in your room, you just need a line for her to think, it just happened. Feel free to share your lines to pivot to your hotel room.

Women never cheat, it just happens.

If they're in a relationship, if they haven't revealed so once you initiate small talk, it's often later in the game they will disclose they have a husband or boyfriend. In my experience more often than not for cheaters, they will choose to drop this after she's removed her clothing but before the bra, or somewhere between 3rd and 4th base, or never at all (this is more common than you think - and confirmed only if connect on social media). It depends on the woman, her attraction to you and her lack of loyalty.

After a few years of this role (I travel 30-40% of the year) this approach is the easiest lays I've had, comparable to attending backpacker bars after midnight.

3. Closing thoughts and advice

It's also best to focus on large calender conferences for best results.

As noted, this approach works well to have a few women in each city you travel to regularly for easy lays, or to lay a working businesswoman who travels regularly.

Often you can have your or her work per diem cover expenses related for most of the associated costs like alcohol and hotel expenses.

Overall this approach is only for low hanging fruit, it's best to mix this up with some more challenging plates so you keep sharp.

For married women, exercise caution and don't do this in your home city; it's best to not shit where you eat.

Most businessmen or executives at these establishments are running the same game so you will have some guys with a decade or two of this game under their belt trying the same game.

Disclaimer, most of the women in this demographic will be mid 20's to 40's, it's not for everyone but if you like corporate women who are direct it's a good play.

Please also note if you are an expat in a smaller city, you can develop a reputation (Beijing for example, everyone knows everyone). Act with discretion, and if possible don't always disclose your full name, if you have a business card with a translated name; use that.

Submitted July 30, 2018 at 07:46PM by CasaDeFranco
Getting laid on business trips/hitting expats in your local city Getting laid on business trips/hitting expats in your local city Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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