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A pick up artists two cents (We can all admit we are having fun)

The purpose:

There has been a lot of talk about PUA lately but nothing from an actual pickup artist, none of the posters identified as a pickup artist, but simply giving their interpretation of the subject.

Lately there has been a lot of psychoanalyzing other groups in the nanosphere, and to be honest I enjoy it, it's fun. The sub isn't going to shit, old TRP was awesome, new TRP is still awesome, everything is exactly what it needs to be.

While some people may want to act like this is a 100% serious sub, truth is we have a lot of fun here talking about certain subjects and trying to one up another, I mean where else can you see this sort of drama about these particular subject matters.

This is PUA VS Jordan Peterson front row seats.

This is like Reality TV for other people, so at the end of the day this is just all in fun, we can have also fun while growing as people and dealing with serious issues.

Admit it, If Jordan Peterson challenged Rollo to a debate you would watch that shit, faster than you would watch Kim Kardashian

The hierarchy:

At the end of the day this group is like every other group. There is a hierarchy, I'm not talking about mods, or endorse contributors, I'm talking about social hierarchy in terms of Mgtow, MRA, Pick up Artist, ect... There is a totem poll, and some people tend to think others are sitting on the bottom, let's get away from that mentality real quick and focus on just being different in terms of labels and types.

Why listen to me:

Because I love the concept of PUA, I went from 0 to hero, the first time I applied PUA I got laid, the first fucking date, I'm no expert

but even with the little I know I had great success with women for 10 years. My close rate is 95%, a far cry from the “I talk to 100 women and maybe 5 give me there number”. I take 100 women on a date, I will sleep with 95 of them.

All PUA Did was help me drop my ego

it wasn't a simple script to follow, The game doesn't even have any pick up lines, it's a mindset and understanding social interaction. It's not a short cut, learning 2+2=4 instead of 1+1+1+1=4 doesn't mean you are trying to cheat nature or do something unnatural, it's just PUA isn't intended to solve all your emotional issues, just one specific issues.

Imagine being told that you are supposed to ask a women to kiss her otherwise it's assault and rapey. I would ask permission to kiss a woman,

I even had women tell me to just kiss them, one girl said flat out, "I like assholes, you need to be more like that", but I just couldn't put two

and two together not out of fear or deceit but rather I'm not a rapey guy. And I was taught sex was inherently rapey.

After reading PUA and understanding that How I really felt was valid I starting passing though LMR with ease never had a single compliant, even

though by society standards I was rapey and by feminist standards I was a actual rapist.

I never felt entitled to anything so if I perceived the rules of social interaction to be calm, slow, safe , I did those things, I presented the most unexciting safest guy you would meet.

Adding a few more labels

Apparently the PUA's are the weak man, the psychopaths, the great manipulators , we are putting on a band aid to cover up real weaknesses and eventually we will get caught.

All I have to say to this definition is someone literally put there tongue up the crack of a feminist and presented me with shit , This is called virtue signaling, just like the LGBTQA+++ keeps adding letters, it's important we add a few more.

The WannaBe Jock:

The WannaBe doesn't imply being fake it implies wanting to be something else, "The best version of yourself", "A high value man", "A Alpha", every

single fucking thing but yourself. I'm seeing a lot of this lately, can't smile, can't play video games, can't even touch your dick.

apparently Alpha men have a stern face and a hard pee pee.

These people when looking back and thinking what went wrong tend to blame it on being themselves. I feel sorry for them, they confuse all they are with what they manifest.

The PUA understands that being yourself is the correct answer(This isn't bad advice) they also understand that they weren't being themselves they were their ego, because they thought of themselves as a bad thing and no one would ever love them. PUA is simple, it doesn't solve your deeply repressed child hood drama of being touch in bad places but rather requires you to work with you.

That is scary to the WannaBe, because in their mind being themselves has failed, so they literally have to construct a entirely new Identity, Jorden Peterson comment about Adapting certain

behaviors is the core of their faith, they think they achieved some realness because they say, "My current state is a piece of shit faggit", I honestly think these guys

are fighting repressed homosexuality and are afraid of being bisexual.

Jordan Peterson gets respect because he speaks to their soul

they can learn to clean their room and presto they will eventually become a new person worthy of love,

someone they don't have to hide from others, free of flaws and touching their dick. These dudes are really afraid to touch their dick some even go as far as to call it homosexual to watch porn because it's training you for cucking. As I said repressed homosexuality

If Jorden Peterson says something they believe it, because he is their god, their hope, if they mimic the habits of someone they can finally free themselves from themselves

and start over as a new person. Once they realize they will only ever be the same guy smoking weed, addicted to porn, they just need more discipline and ego after that they will be fine.

Porn is boring to me because I find women more enjoyable, if I could sustain myself with porn I would do it, Why else would I leave the house, face dangers and rejection, because

being with women are so awesome, I'm not afraid to admit I need women to be happy, but apparently women are just regulated to the spice of my life than a major part of it.

They are so afraid to write their own story because every time they do they fuck it up so bad that they want someone else’s story. I replaced porn with women, sex is a need for my beast. The addiction never goes away, that is called being human.

The WannaBE focuses on cloths he normally wouldn't wear, he focuses on doing activities he normally wouldn't do, apparently doing this enough times he will start to enjoy them.

The WannaBE thinks alpha is something to aspire too be instead a set of behaviors, the PUA realizes someone else must call him Alpha, the WannaBE thinks if he has some magical solid foundation he will be a unshakable Alpha, to participle in democracy is something the WannaBE is above, this is why he will trashes Men's right for wasting their time.

A quick tip on reading people, whatever a person handle is , that's the energy they want manifested in their lives, it's a protection mechanism, calling yourself something like

"WifePanties" or "Ilikebutsex", isn't a joke, it's a safe way to become who you truly are as a person

Now take a look at all the advice you read on red pill, any mention of the word faggot or Homosexuality take it as repressed emotions and putting on a mask , they think if they repeat the same mantra of doing masculine things like working out and getting muscle they can wash away the gay, scary shit, PUA can’t solve those types of mental issues, all we can teach is 2+2=4, you gotta learn 1+3=4

Submitted July 31, 2018 at 03:29PM by gbdoragnic
A pick up artists two cents (We can all admit we are having fun) A pick up artists two cents (We can all admit we are having fun) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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