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Can some smart person please tell me what I’m doing wrong and right?

I’m a new member to reddit and to this group, I’m wondering if someone can provide some insight into what I find keeps happening to me...

I meet 4 types of women...

1: The women basically looks straight through me as if I am white noise/ doesn’t even consider me nor is aware of my existence... selective eye sight.

2: The woman is friendly, more intellectual, easy to chat too, often can become a friend or with the right moves at the right time, can pinch a kiss from, get her number and have a 50/50 chance on staying in contact and sleeping with her.

3: The women who tells me I’m hot, gets touchy towards me but then try’s to get me with their friend...

4: Sometimes I meet women who are just surprisingly receptive towards me. As opposed to girl number 1, I feel like I am able to talk to these girls while they’re still trying to figure out if I qualify for them or not. With these girls I play it cool, I pick on them, I be very nice but with a completely ‘I absolutely don’t give a fuck’ attitude. I somehow unlock this rhythm where I can act like I can walk on water and that if this conversation turns to shit I’m happy to walk the fuck away, and for some reason when I pick up on the fact that I’m getting away with it, usually that girl wants to fuck my brains out and all I need to do is get out of her way and let her...

So what’s going on here?

I’m just learning about frame, and I do notice that the way I carry myself often determines which number woman I attract...

Also, with the number 4’s. I feel like I don’t work for them and they are there if I want them. I want to be able to bring out the number 4 scenario on any girl, girls that I approach. Do you have any advice on how to do that?

Submitted July 31, 2018 at 08:49PM by Melbourne91
Can some smart person please tell me what I’m doing wrong and right? Can some smart person please tell me what I’m doing wrong and right? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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