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Freely emoting and zombie plates

TL;DR -- you can get pissed and you should... as long as it makes sense. Also: women will come back aka zombie plates.

OK, so one of the things that's helpful to understand, especially as a newbie to TRP, is that if you hold frame, project as an alpha, and follow the laws of power and other advice (Rollo is a badass--never violate his rules), you can freely emote with women and others.

And in fact, you should. But--and this is the key--only if it's appropriate and authentic.

Example: I cold approach this girl and it works. We go on a date, kiss at the end, everything's cool. We set up for a next date, but she flakes--supposedly sick. OK, fine, we set up another date (after I made her wait to see if my schedule was free mind you--if a woman disappoints you, always punish her, even if it's just making her wait or not giving approval), and you guessed it: she flakes again.

At this point I text: wow you're super flaky--good luck with that.

Key point: if she doesn't text back, we're done. I never text her back.

But she does because why? Women HATE being told they're bad people, because they're supposed to fit in and be perfect. And they will rarely, ever, admit being wrong.

So she makes up some bullshit excuse like: I just got off work late, was going to text, etc.

I'm like: whatever. I don't have time for people who can't communicate. sorry, you blew it.

And holy shit, wouldn't you know, all the sudden I've got a new best friend. She texts me back and I don't reply, so then after a couple hours she goes on Insta and adds me and then starts DMing, wanting to explain more and say that she likes me and wants to go out.

I don't reply for two days, then I put it on her: how are you going to make it up to me?

Long story short, I make her drive to my house after 10pm (I live a while away from her), we fuck, and then I make her leave, because, "I've got work tomorrow."

Oddly enough, at the same time I had three other women come back to me after they'd gotten pissed off that I didn't want to be exclusive, and I'm currently fucking two of them.

The point--which I didn't know before--is that if you hold frame, don't compromise, and freely emote when appropriate, women see that as alpha and respect it. They may still walk away, and some will permanently, but a lot of them will come back--even after you've gotten pissed at them--precisely because you passed their shit test.

That's important to re-emphasize: some women will shit test you to the point you have to walk away--but if you do, you've passed, and some of them will come back for that very reason.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are three important imperatives here:

1) always hold frame. You are a fucking alpha--never project anything otherwise. Never admit to anything otherwise. (power law #5)

2) freely emote--as long as that emotion is what an alpha would say/do. Girl flakes on you, it's OK to be pissed, but be pissed only once and then let it go, because you are a man of abundance. (power law #9)

3) a lot of women will go away because you are an alpha... and then come back because you are an alpha. You see, most of them aren't used to dealing with an alpha male because our society is so pussified their reaction is to shit test you the way they never would test a beta to see if you are worthy. Once you prove you are, they'll be intimidated and they may leave... but then after some time of you not contacting them, showing that you don't give a shit, they'll come back because, yeah, now they want to fuck. (power law #16)

It's a long game my brothers. Much Love.

Submitted July 30, 2018 at 02:31PM by CherryCityPulp
Freely emoting and zombie plates Freely emoting and zombie plates Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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