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A guide to having fun & hooking up at music festivals

I am a big fan of festivals and raves. I've always managed to meet a "rave bae" and hook up by the end of the night. Music festivals and raves are a great place to meet and hook up with women and I want to share my strategy.

First and foremost, you've bought a ticket to a music festival. You ideally should have bought this ticket for the music, for the fun, for the experience. This should be your #1 priority. If you're buying a ticket with the main goal of hooking up with women, you're doing it for the wrong reason and it will show in your demeanor resulting you being outcasted as a "rave bro."

The biggest thing is to have fun, genuine fun. Everybody can see when you are having genuine fun, especially women. This is a huge key to having success. If you're there with one goal in mind of deliberating seeking out women to fuck, you will stick out like a sore thumb. Don't go to an EDM event if you don't enjoy EDM.

If an event starts around 6PM and ends at 4AM. I will usually show up with my small group of friends around 8PM. You can definitely roll solo but I have found it exponentially more fun going with a group of friends who I genuinely enjoy having fun and dancing with and enjoy similar music. I usually go with the same group of 3 guys and we all have the same goal of having fun, meeting women and hooking up.

The first few hours is what we call our free time. Throwing it back to the old RSD days where they preached about having the first few hours in the club and doing whatever you want during that time period. This really releases you from that inner shy shell you may be having from work all week. Cut loose, get rid of all the jitters, and have a blast with your buddies but don't use it as an excuse all night to not approach any girls.

My friends and I will just dance and genuinely have a great time with each other. We pump each other up, we all can dance, and we make each other laugh. We really don't need anybody else and even if we didn't meet any women that night, we can still have a genuine, fun time with each other. I have come to look forward more to those few hours with my friends than the pursuit of women at times.

We will start "the hunt" around 11PM. You're going to want to find a girl by midnight or they might all be taken. Now don't take that as a solid rule. I've solidified my girl for the night as early as 9PM and as late as 3AM. Women are also actively looking for a "rave bae" of their own. Just realize, that there are women there who just want to enjoy the music, ones that are open to the idea of meeting someone, and some are just straight ready to hook up.

We will move around the crowd and find an area with groups of girls and continue dancing and having a great time. My friends and I know how to dance and I feel this has fast tracked our success at festivals. Girls equate good dancing to good fucking. Dance and have fun, take up space, and enjoy the moment with your boys.

Start looking around and start making eye contact with the women around you. By this point, if you're genuinely having a good time, they will start taking a notice. Now if you've been to a festival or rave before, you'll know that a lot of people are fucked up on something and it makes it extremely easy. It makes it easy because girls are more open (I've had more girls open me and dance on me and I didn't have to approach them at all) and guys get so fucked up they just stand there and do nothing and if they do, they're a babbling idiot.

Here's the key part.

If you get prolonged eye contact from a girl, smile (like you always should), if she smiles back, it's a go. You need to make a move right then and there and not hesitate.

My go to move is the "Hand of God." It dates back to mystery method days and I have found it works extremely well in dance game because you're not asking for permission but you're not being pushy and too aggressive at the same time.

Hand of god is simple. Once you make eye contact, smile and get the smile back. Just reach your hand out and if she takes your hand, just spin her towards you and start dancing and having fun like you were with your boys.

There are ways you can fuck up the hand of god though. You need to not appear to be needy, like you need her to take your hand or else. When you stick your hand out, You need to feel like you are the one pulling them into your world and giving value, and that value is fun. If you give off any other vibe, it's game over.

Girls just have to have a good time and if you show that you are genuinely having a good time, they will want to be pulled into your world, your frame.

Now you might need to do this a few times before the approach anxiety goes away. You will have girls who will flat out say no, you will have shy girls, you will even have fatties try and come out and dance with you without you asking. You shouldn't be affected by these rejections, you should be having such a good time with your friends that nothing can bring down that frame.

After you start dancing, you need to keep escalating. Dancing is fun for a bit but it gets boring if you don't escalate and change it up and have fun. Don't be butt hurt if a girl leaves, there is so much stimulus going on and you can only hold their attention for so long if you're not escalating and hooking up.

Just follow the simple DiCarlo escalation ladder. Hook up on the dance floor, pull to a bathroom, or get the logistics for a pull after the event. Keep in mind that a lot of girls will be rolling and after their rolls are over, their feelings with change as well.

Just have fun with your solid group of friends and make sure you enjoy your time at the festival. Hell you paid for the event and to listen to that music, be present enough to enjoy it and don't worry too much about finding a random. Your enjoyment and good times with your boys are what matters most. I have been blessed with a solid group of friends who know this, can have fun with each other, can dance, and almost everyone of us pulls at every festival we go to.

I'll be at HARD summer at the end of this week!

Submitted July 30, 2018 at 06:56PM by AsianAway
A guide to having fun & hooking up at music festivals A guide to having fun & hooking up at music festivals Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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