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Rant: Eastern Europe is not the Red Pill Paradise you think it is

As a person born and raised in Poland, who also spent a lot of time in the neighboring countries:

They're a Tradcon paradise, which is similar in many ways, but not the same.


  • First of all because of how prevalent is the idea of chivalry/manning-up, which is really male self-sacrifice without guaranteed reward. It's present both in the society (fuckton of white knights and what Rollo Tomassi would call "blue pill alphas") and in the law (e.g. labor law - men have to work longer before retirement despite the shorter average lifespan).
  • The tradcon, family-first values are the huge focus of the current government in Poland - they're doing everything they can to convince you to get married young and slave away like a good little drone for the benefit of 1) society 2) your wife an kids. Maybe, just maybe, some of that produced wealth will trickle down to you, but it's by no means a priority.
  • Due to the prevalent idea of altruistic male sacrifice, women are extremely entitled. They'll expect you to work your ass off and spend a big part of your income for their benefit. And the tradcon values DO NOT make them less promiscuous - they just get better at hiding their sluttiness, which often also means that they're conniving as fuck.
  • All that is reinforced by the fact that the Church holds any government by the balls due to the fact how many voters they can sway. Only the most radical left is not pandering to the church and they suck for different reasons.
  • Finally - you still can get divorce-raped. A bit less alimony-raped due to how ineffective is the system of forcing people to pay them, but betting everything on the incompetence of law enforcement is a dangerous game.

That's all. If you don't mind those things, then maybe it's a paradise. But not for me.

Submitted July 30, 2018 at 01:39PM by twdziki
Rant: Eastern Europe is not the Red Pill Paradise you think it is Rant: Eastern Europe is not the Red Pill Paradise you think it is Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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