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Forget the hierarchy, just don't give her too many reasons not to fuck you

Girls aren't walking around thinking about the hierarchy.

There's days that they are horny. It's a pretty predictable cycle every month.

If she is attracted to you, trusts you not to destroy her reputation, get her pregnant without her wanting to be, not get an STD, you pretty much just have to be in the right place at the right time, when she is horny. Don't kill the mood. Then people fuck.. Of course you can enhance her horniness. You can turn her on. But women aren't horny all the time, every day, like men are. That's why telephones exist.. You may have to keep in touch for a couple days until it's the right time..
But people will find a way.

That's pretty much the entire goal of the human species.. And every other animal.. Procreate. We've found a loophole where we get pleasure from practicing. But the drive is still there..

Pick up exists because society, instinct and common sense has equipped women with a long list of reasons not to fuck you.

A couple things that I don't see mentioned much on here, because they are mostly out of the man's control:

She doesn't want to look like a slut.

She doesn't want you to lower her perceived value.

But are they really out of your control?

Pick up teaches you things like:

You're out somewhere, see a table of four girls, one of them is your type, so you go start a conversation, some light chit chat with the group, talk to the girl that you want... But oh shit

She has a boyfriend at home? Don't try to make out with her in front of three of her female friends. Don't try to get her number in front of them either... UNLESS they ASK you to. If you have your shit together and her boyfriend is trash, her friends will actually help you game her.

Otherwise, if she gives you her number in front of her friends, and her BF is a "great guy", she will lose status with her friends. She will look like a slut....

Women want to feel like a slut in the bedroom, not in their circle of friends, or their workplace, or their family..

This is why "Isolate" is a concept of pick up.

You gotta get her away from her friends before you do anything "socially inappropriate"...

Now to me, this sounds like a very respectful concept. You are respecting the girl enough to protect her reputation.

That seems like the opposite of what a psychopath would do. A psychopath would tell her to dump her boyfriend in front of everyone, get rejected, tell them all to go fuck themselves, call them all sluts and go on facebook and write a post about how all women are xyz..

So pickup prevents that.. Sounds like a good thing, improves the night of everyone involved.

It can be the difference between "I thought she was attracted to me then she just stopped talking to me and said it was "girl's night" and I should leave" OR "Things seemed like they were good, then her friends started giving me a bunch of shit then they left" VS. "I met this girl who was with her friends, turns out she had a boyfriend, but I saw her at the bar by herself a few minutes later, I got her number, two days later we hooked up and no one knows about it"

This is just one situation, out of 100, where you turn roadblocks into little speed bumps..

And after a while, it's just second nature. You don't have to think about it. Now someone please tell me who the hell was figuring this out before PUA became a thing?

Disclaimers: Of course this is not set in stone.. Some groups of women like to be sluts and look bad, like some trashy competition. But most likely, the girls you want, will care about their reputation..

And you don't have to have some one night stand where she cheats on her boyfriend or husband.. Take her on a date or whatever.. I don't care

Maybe a more appropriate and useful situation is your dream girl is out with her family at a nice restaurant. She's not going to let her parents think she is one of "those girls".. There's obvious attraction, you're the best version of yourself... but attraction isn't everything. You need logistics to be on your side.

Submitted July 31, 2018 at 11:28AM by ebaymasochist
Forget the hierarchy, just don't give her too many reasons not to fuck you Forget the hierarchy, just don't give her too many reasons not to fuck you Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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