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I (26F) find my husband's (27M) reaction to a compliment made by a female ex-roommate of ours rather strange and want to know if I'm overreacting

This happened a little while back, but my husband brings it up once in a while (latest was today) so I thought it was relevant enough to ask about.

For reference, we are not roommates anymore due to this event and many others. The girl would dress inappropriately around my husband, would flirt openly, ask him inappropriate questions all the while living with her husband, my husband and I (in my house). She would jog outside in shorts that revealed her buttcheeks, greet my husband and his friends in a CK bra and unbuttoned jeans, wear nothing but one of her husband's large shirts while cooking in the kitchen. She asked my husband for a motorcycle ride which he obliged (which made me uncomfortable but I let it go and didn't fight). NOTE: a lot of this I saw but her flirting with him, he told me about.

I'll call her B. Her and her husband immigrated here a year ago and their English is very basic, causing a lot of misunderstandings.

To keep matters short, in my Eastern European culture (though I grew up in the states) and also where this girl is from, it's customary that people of the opposite sex compliment each other's wives/husbands. I see it all the time. My mom's female friend will call my dad handsome, say he's a great husband, that she's jealous, etc. It makes some people uncomfortable, mainly my husband.

Anyway, while in the car, B told my husband he looks good without a beard but because she doesn't know English very well, she over-emphasized it to where it may have sounded like flirting. She did this in the car while all of us were there. I found it normal...however....

Ever since then, my husband has taken this compliment overboard. He makes it seem like she wanted to mess around with him, found him gorgeous, that you can't trust her, he knows what kind of girl he is. He's always talking about how he's such a great, trustworthy guy, and how many guys aren't like him "another guy would've gone with it and "smashed"" he said.

It just didn't sit well with me at all whatsoever how strongly he took this compliment. And if she comes up in conversation, he will say it again. My mom and I and others have tried to explain to him it's a cultural thing but seems like he prefers his ego stroked (she's blonde and slim and pretty). It seems like he likes riling me up too? He told me she added him on IG (without adding me) and was listing through her bikini and scantily clad photos, all the while telling me about it, with disgust.

He once lied to me (when I showed that I was threatened) and said she was "disgusting" but then when I told him he said this about her, he was shell-shocked, like he never said that in his life. I was so confused. His cousin would tell him that she's hot and she's going to start problems. And he relayed the info to me. Just confusing me and riling me up. Unfortunately, I fell for it and let myself get really distressed by this whole ordeal. She ended up moving out sort of peacefully, although definitely on a bad note. We dont talk anymore.

In essence, maybe she was the type of girl he claimed her to be, but his over the top reaction bothers me. Am I overreacting? Just seems like a warning sign for what's to come should he work with an attractive girl or something. I do admit that I can be a little jealous sometimes (working on self-esteem issues!) but the fact that we were living with her just escalated the situation.

Tl;dr: Previous female roommate would flirt with my husband. One time, she told him (in front of me and her husband) while we were all in the car, that he looks good without a beard. Seems like that comment stroked his ego and ever since then, he's made it seem like she wants him, flirts with him and finds him gorgeous, and is one of "those girls" that is easy, etc. He has told me a bunch of these things and made me feel really insecure and uncomfortable, instead of handling it in a cool, collected manner. She may have over emphasized the compliment by accident because of the language barrier. I'm worried this may be a red flag.

EDIT: my husband and I have been together for two years, married for one. Sorry for missing that detail

Submitted July 30, 2018 at 02:50PM by EuphoricFox0
I (26F) find my husband's (27M) reaction to a compliment made by a female ex-roommate of ours rather strange and want to know if I'm overreacting I (26F) find my husband's (27M) reaction to a compliment made by a female ex-roommate of ours rather strange and want to know if I'm overreacting Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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