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My (26/F) boyfriend (25/M) of a year, sat me down last night and told me that he asked me out a year ago because we were together in a past life, and now I’m really worried about his mental health.

I know the title sounds crazy.

We went out to dinner after work, and then went back to my place. I noticed that he was uncharacteristically quiet for most of the night so I asked him if everything was okay. He was reluctant to open up at first, but he eventually sat me down and told me that since he was a young boy, he’s had visions of people from the past. Apparently when he was young he didn’t know what it meant or who these people were, he figured they were just dreams. Of the same two people. Always. Slowly as he grew older he realized he was one of the people in the visions. There was always a guy and a girl, both of them adults.

Anyway he eventually realized these were visions of a past life. And when we met for the first (or maybe not the first) time, he recognized me as the girl who was with him in these visions. That was why he asked me out.

I thought he was joking at first but he said that he was completely serious, and he said he knows how crazy it sounds. Honestly I don’t know what to think and I had no idea what to say to him. I just sort of brushed it off and told him that it wasn’t a big deal to me as long as he was okay and as long as he wanted to be with me, not only because of these visions. He said he loves me and that he just felt as though it was the right time to tell me the one thing he’s been hiding all this time.

We went to bed and that was pretty much it.

All day now I’ve been thinking about what he told me. I still don’t know what I’m supposed to make of it. He really is a great guy and I care about him a lot, but this does worry me a little bit. It’s one thing to say he felt connected to me when we met or something, but he’s saying he’s had visions of us since he was a child.

To my knowledge he’s always been fine in terms of his mental health. Maybe I’m overreacting. I don’t know. I had trouble just sleeping in the same bed as him last night. To be fair, that’s mostly because I’ve had a past experience with a guy who got a little too attached to me too soon in our high school relationship, became really delusional, and eventually broke into my house when I was home alone once. It was pretty crazy and I went to therapy because of it for about a year after it happened.

The two situations aren’t the same of course, but this current one is bringing up some of those memories of the old one that I would rather just forget and move past. My boyfriend knows every detail. I can’t imagine a situation in which he would try to hurt me or himself but it’s still a thought in the back of my mind.

I’m not sure what to do or how to really explain myself to him without hurting him or disrespecting the trust that he’s extended to me in telling me his secret. He’s a great guy. I’m just uncomfortable, I guess.

It’s only been a year since we met and started dating. We don’t live together.

I’m sure there’s more about him that I don’t know.

Does this sound worrying to anyone else? Or am I just overreacting?

tl;dr He’s never struggled with mental health as far as I know. This came as a shock to me. And he could be telling the truth. I’m just a bit worried now. I’ve had experiences with a guy who got too attached and whose delusions eventually pushed him to the point of breaking into my house when I was home alone in high school. Not sure what to make of this current situation. I’m worried about him. Should I just brush it off or does this sound worrying to anyone else?

Submitted July 31, 2018 at 02:43PM by metbefore
My (26/F) boyfriend (25/M) of a year, sat me down last night and told me that he asked me out a year ago because we were together in a past life, and now I’m really worried about his mental health. My (26/F) boyfriend (25/M) of a year, sat me down last night and told me that he asked me out a year ago because we were together in a past life, and now I’m really worried about his mental health. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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