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I [20m] want to dissociate myself from my friends [20-21m], but will have none left. Terrified/stressed about loneliness and having no male friends

I [20m] have been friends with the same 5 - 6 people (20/21m) for practically my entire life. We got along very well throughout the entire time; I rarely fought with them at all or had any issues. However, recently, I cannot stand to be around them or associated with them in any way.

Most if not all of them have fallen for the alt-right rhetoric, and have become unbearable. They are fake "traditionalists". They pretend to be Christian, but don't follow any of the tenets, just go to church and talk about how modern churches are a joke and traditional Catholicism is a lost golden age. They espouse the virtues of a large family with a subservient housewife, and have extremely outdated and toxic views of masculinity. They buy in to anything their icons say.

My "friends" are the kind of people that outright call themselves Nazis and think that the epitome of humor is racism and racial slurs. Their "discussions" are pure hypocrisy and straw man arguments and it's just so tiring to have to listen to it all the time. I am fine with talking to them once in a while online, playing video games and D&D and the like. But they are a complete embarrassment in public; their behavior between public and private is indistinguishable.

I want to be done with them. I am at an extremely stressful transition in my life, and do not need toxic friends dragging me down. The only problem is that I will have absolutely no real friends left after this. All I will have left is an extremely supportive fiancee (20F) and a few online friends I play tabletop games with. I have no best friend to speak of.

It would be easy enough to just ditch them, but the stress and threat of loneliness just looms over my head. If I get rid of them, I would have no "real life" friends to speak of. I have a wedding coming up in a little over a year, and I have no idea who I would have as a best man, let alone the groomsmen. It sounds dumb, but this is the most stressful part for me, and one of the few things holding me back from just ending my relationship with them now.

Making new friends is really hard for me; the last time I tried, it lasted for almost a year before it completely fell apart and ended with animosity on both sides. It is hard for me to try and do it again knowing that I've been burned in the past.

I don't want to ghost them as it seems immature; but I've already started to do that somewhat. I do not like being around them or associated with them as, in fear of sounding arrogant, they tarnish my image. But I am terrified of being lonely and having no male friends. What do you think I should do?

TL,DR; I have toxic friends, but am terrified of being lonely and without male friends. I have a wedding coming up and no one in mind for a best man/groomsmen and it's extremely stressful. What do you think I should do?

Submitted July 30, 2018 at 01:28PM by asdfdfghj
I [20m] want to dissociate myself from my friends [20-21m], but will have none left. Terrified/stressed about loneliness and having no male friends I [20m] want to dissociate myself from my friends [20-21m], but will have none left. Terrified/stressed about loneliness and having no male friends Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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