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Jordan Peterson, Fallacies, and the Tragic State of this Sub


There's a been a whole charade of backlash and relentless vitriol against Jordan Peterson by a ton of members on this sub recently.

Just yesterday, the top, pinned post was the moderator making fun of Jordan Peterson's lecture on psychopathy and pick-up artists. He simply took a transcript from his speech during a university lecture and edited out all the punctuation to make it seem like a bunch of nonsensical ramble.

Anyways, I thought this sub was supposed to bolster good quality content, not turn it into a fucking dumpster fire.

He's right. Pick-up artists are inherently psychopathic. And the fact that the creator of this sub is upset about this is absolutely inane, and really goes to show where it's headed.

Pick-up artistry doesn't actually fall in line, at all, with the "Red Pill.”

I can already here you yelling that it's not inherently psychopathic. Or that psychopathy isn't bad. But that's besides the matter.

Pick-up is inherently for low-status men, against that which embraces the flourishing of the masculine, and counter-productive for those who are attempting to truly ascend the male dominance hierarchy.

Even if you disagree with the caricature of pick-up artists as fedora-wearing sleaze-bags, you're missing the point. Pick-up doesn't focus on the actualization of the man. It doesn't further one's status or mission. Instead, it places emphasis upon the female and encourages the male to escape his true imperative. The intrinsic motive of "pick-up" and "Game" is weak and counter-productive.

It's not just semantics either. Pick-up itself encompasses a a wide swath of beliefs, and all fall under an anti-masculine, manipulative sphere of ideology.

Still doubtful that pick-up is anti-Red Pill and anti-masculine? Great, cause I'm about to explain it to you.

The Male Dominance Hierarchy

Men have their own evolutionarily driven dominance hierarchy. They compete, fight, and struggle towards its peak. The females sit idly on the side, waiting to choose those who emerge on top.

Men hold each other to a high standard. As does the individual. You have a personal obligation to become all you can be. To follow your true calling, listen to the individuated self, and righteously strive towards the metaphorical kingdom of God on Earth.

A real man engages his true mission up the male dominance hierarchy and focuses solely on himself and actualizing his plurapotentiality, narrowing a multitude of possibilities into one single frame of existence as he becomes who he truly is.

If a man tries to escape his evolutionary prerogative or that which calls his Being forward, he will suffer and never live a fulfilling, meaningful existence. It's natural law.


How does pick-up fit in with that?

You're shying away from becoming who you can be, and attempting to circumvent the hierarchy by manipulating the highly-perceptive feminine into thinking that you are high status, when you're not. And that never plays out well—for the male. No male will ever be truly sexually successful through a facade of status, memorized routines and lines, and a weak masculine foundation.

Essentially, you're cheating nature. There are no shortcuts to the top.

As a result, if the facade and veneer of sophistication succeeds, we get men who are inherently low status, unattractive, and have no real value fucking women who think they are high-status, attractive, and capable of climbing the dominance hierarchy. It's bad for society and men themselves.

"Pick-up" and "Game" masquerade as facades for any true imperative of climbing the male dominance hierarchy. It’s a rationalized, half-baked attempt for men to cheat the rules of reality—one that will never succeed in the end.

“Pick-up” is for low-status men.

"Pick-up artists" and teachers of "pick-up" use routines, verbal tricks, and superficial elements with the "veneer of sophistication" to trick women into thinking they are something they are not. Low status men who don't have the ability nor the potential to become what they could be, so they have to resort to displaying all the behaviors that a high status man naturally, outwardly manifests without being the high status man themselves.

The "Red Pill" isn't about low status men trying to "pick up" women or manipulating them subconsciously (from both frames of reference, that is) into liking them. It's about becoming a truly high status man who lives for his own values and needs, naturally attracting women.

Peterson's Dilemma

Just because you disagree with one or two of Jordan Peterson's statements doesn't mean you should throw out the baby with the bathwater.

He's studied, endlessly, the horrors Western civilization was capable of in the 20th century, and has a deep understanding of the human mind in every facet imaginable. He's a trained clinical psychologist, and not just any old one at that. He has over ten thousand citations on his psychology papers, he taught at the most prestigious university in the world, and wrote the best-selling non-fiction book in the Western world at the moment.

He has good intentions. I can't believe how close-minded some of you could be to call him "blue-pilled" or any more of that blabber. In fact, he probably understands more about society, the political spectrum, and intersexual affairs more than any of you. No, he definitely does.

He’s all for the individual and for the bolstering of young men both as individual, masculine beings and as benefactors of society. In fact, he’s probably the first well-known public figure to speak about such important topics that directly relate to this sub’s motives in recent times. You should be thanking him for bringing a new light to masculinity and for fighting against the radical liberals and those who condemn “toxic masculinity.”

Just because he knows certain things doesn't mean he has to speak about them in public. His "credibility" would be shot off the moment he mentions any real truths to society.

You don't think Peterson knows exactly what women are attracted to? You don't think he knows exactly how bitter and resentful men are? You don't think he knows exactly how society is structured?

How well would it go if he starts spewing out true female nature on some random podcast, or proves that society is run on a set of dominance hierarchies, and it's an inevitable fact that human nature will always tend towards these paradigms, no matter what?

He's not a fucking retard. He knows exactly how all these things work. Just because he keeps his mouth shut so he can keep a living and not get death threats doesn't give you the right to start attacking him. I'd like to see how you measure up to the man himself.

I don’t agree with everything Peterson says himself, but not for the retarded reasons TRP “higher-ups” are attacking him for. He’s out to help you, and if you can’t see what he’s trying to do there’s nobody coming to rescue you. He’s making your pathway to powerful masculinity and a healthy sense of what a man is much, much easier. Jesus, have some gratitude.


This dogma that has been circulating the sub is drowning us all.

Don’t any of you have anything better to do than hate on a psychology professor who’s making radical changes, especially those that indirectly support a conservative political agenda which I'm sure many of you espouse? The only reasonable explanation is that none of his critics have read a word of what he’s preached or watched a single one of his acclaimed lectures.

Peterson’s the man giving a sermon out on the mountain to thousands of eager listeners, and those who criticize him are a bunch of insignificant sheep roaming out among the fields below. If you have a real contention, stop complaining and have some respect for yourself.

Peterson's words absolutely should be scrutinized. But not with half-hearted write-offs, pseudo-intellectual polemical attacks, ad hominem criticisms, and certainly not with satirical, biased posts which fail to present sufficient evidence against that which he argues.

So I don't know where the fuck this sub is headed, but honestly I couldn't care less. If you all drive yourselves into the ground in a carnival of fury and self-righteousness, go right ahead.

Submitted July 31, 2018 at 02:08AM by nietzschethegreat
Jordan Peterson, Fallacies, and the Tragic State of this Sub Jordan Peterson, Fallacies, and the Tragic State of this Sub Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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