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Double Field Report

TL;DR - Very long post about two recent interactions with separate girls broken down to help show where Red Pill principles were applied, both leading to an F-Close.

In this post I’m going to break down my 2 most recent escapades. This is so, hopefully, you can understand how I fundamentally applied Red Pill principles throughout my encounters to ensure I was always in control (this feeds my autism greatly) and had maximum success.

Girl #1

Solid, solid girl. Strong HB9, no joke. Local celebrity from around where I live in the UK. Most attractive girl I’ve ever slept with. Probably one of the slight incentives to posting this is so I can boast to strangers on the internet about how fucking cute she was, but again, feeds my autism greatly so fuck it.

Saw her at a bar in the city on a night out with one of the boys, she was wearing this cute green dress, the waist to hip ratio was too good to turn down, but I was fucked up by this point so decided to try my luck with a quick 1 minute in and out pick up inspired by Keys To The VIP (great show about guys going up against each other in different sorts of challenges to pick up women, for example, picking up a girl in 1 minute or less. This all takes place in a bar full of cameras being picked apart by other pick up artists, type it in on YouTube for a few laughs).

Before I get into this field report anymore, I want to make you understand that my mindset is not “I’m going to fuck this girl” or any girl for that matter. This is outcome dependance and the complete opposite mindset you want to have to avoid approach anxiety and clamming up. Instead, take the approach of “I want to have a good time” and use that as your motivation to approach girls. Usually you can have fun talking to girls, sometimes it’s fucking brutal, but so’s getting shredded by the boys. Toughen up, act indifferent, smile, laugh and do what the fuck you were going to do anyway. Apply that to every interaction in your life, whether that be SJW’s, Billy Beta at work or even curl in the squat rack Carl at the gym, not just picking up girls. Furthermore, it will ensure you prioritise yourself over a girl, which we all know increases and cements attraction.

The quote, I do believe is; “you work on yourself and she will work on us”.

Anyway, I went over to the bar by myself near where she was and glanced at her to see her looking my way. I’m 6ft 1, I’ve hit the gym pretty hard for over a year now doing PPLPPL and recently started to take up some MMA. I’m a pretty good looking guy, I’d say I’m a solid 8 with a fitted shirt and I instantly went over.

Anyway, back to the glance; 3 second rule learnt all the way back in the Mystery days, I’ve always stuck by it and it’s tried and tested. As soon as you lock eyes, you have 3 seconds to move or your confidence level diminishes both in her eyes and subconsciously in yours. I walk straight over to see her instantly sorting her hair out and hitting her friend on the arm so I know I’m in.

“Hi, what’s your name?” (I knew her name)


“Hi, S. I actually came over to tell you that you had something in your hair, but I think you sorting it out before I came over (slight smirk and strong eye contact is paramount here) might have taken care of it, good job! Hi 5”

This right here boys, is a fucking winner. Pure dynamite. Not only have I disqualified any sort of attraction on my part, I have negged her by saying she looked silly enough for me to warrant coming over to tell her, I have caught her out playing with her hair as I’m walking over which is textbook subconscious body language attraction on her part. I’ve already initiated physical contact with the Hi 5 (one of the lowest risk touch barriers to break, she will feel more comfortable with me straight away). I rewarded her at the end with a good job and a Hi 5 so she doesn’t think I’m a complete cunt, just very sarcastic. Further to this, due to not mentioning her appearance in a positive way, I’ve got her hamster running a 100m in 9.51s.

“Anyway I’ve gotta look after my boy, he’s feeling pretty shit, so let’s talk some more another time”.

“I don’t give my number out to random guys at bars, sorry.” (LITERALLY SHIT TEST #1)

“It’s a good job I don’t identify as a guy then isn’t it, I’m identifying as a sunflower at the moment.” hands phone (Thank you feminism for the banter)

No questions asked, must have liked the bold confidence (WHO KNEW?!). Number straight in the phone and off I trot back to my boy who didn’t even realise I’d left. (Mad night) DISCLAIMER: if I wasn’t actually fucked up, I would have gamed a lot more here to ensure attraction, using push pull techniques and I add in a few tricks/games that work for me that I learnt back when I read The Game by Neil Strauss when I first started trying all this at 16.

I guess because the tricks/games e.g The Best Friend Test for if you are approaching a girl with another friend, are so cemented inside of me now from so much practice, I can almost auto-pilot them. You genuinely find what fits your personality and conversation. It just takes time, like starting out at the gym.

I’ll have usually encountered their responses before, but in retrospect I actually think that because the initial encounter was so strong, I was probably on her mind for the next few days that I didn’t message her and it probably worked to my advantage. (I usually wait a day or two and start the conversation with a link back to the encounter, again it subconsciously makes her mind think we’ve known each other for longer which puts her at ease).

Some people might say, oh but you’re good looking so it doesn’t even matter what you did/say she was already attracted to you, she gave you all the signals even before you approached, nah. It’s easier for me, sure. But applying solid principles and doing things correctly by learning from your mistakes, you can do exactly what I do too. Attraction gets you in the door, your game gets you up the stairs.

The meet up; I am 23, I am still living at home with my dad, currently saving up to buy my own place (looking to move out September 2019 if anyone gives a shit, prolly not but again, feeds my autism), so decided to venture to her neck of the woods for “coffee”. Texted a few times in the days leading up, but nothing too much. I know the rule about only using texting for logistics, but I don’t mind a bit of playful flirting to liven up the mood before I meet them.

She meets me by the river and gives me a hug and instantly says how I’m taller than she remembers. This instantly increased my confidence. I told her as it was almost 30 degrees (recent heatwave in the UK) that coffee wasn’t a good idea and that instead we should find somewhere to get some drinks. I did this right off the bat and told her of 3 bars I liked. We could venture to all 3 throughout the afternoon/evening. She happily agreed. (Leading the encounter right from the off, taking her to different venues to build attraction as she will start to feel as though she has known me longer as we are in different venues/settings, which helps to f-close on the first date as she doesn’t feel as much of a slut).

This was 100% plausible deniability, she new I had driven and that if I’m getting drunk there’s no way I’m driving home, so I’ll be staying at hers. She knows this, I know this, but it hasn’t been communicated and it’s an easy “oh no, you can’t drive home and we are drunk, oh no, I hope your dick doesn’t accidentally fall in and out of me repeatedly for the foreseeable future because of this accident, oh no, I didn’t see this happening, oh, no”. Hamster happy, there’s no blame on her here, she’s not the reason this happened, so she’s happy and she can just enjoy the ride. (And so can I later on, waheeey).

We walk to the first 2 bars and they are both full, obviously, it’s 29 degrees in the UK and we take any excuse for a drink. Literally. The World Cup was the best 4 weeks of my life. No problem, I keep the conversation light hearted, banter her about these horrific sandals she’s wearing and point out a few old women shoes in the window that would make her a little more attractive. (Make sure to be super careful when playing about with a girls level of attractiveness as some can be very insecure and it can completely nuke you, believe me I’ve done it). But this girl is pure fire and she wasn’t phased. She gave me some shit about the fact my jeans were too ripped and I was gunna get a shit tan. Fair play. Touché.

We get to the third bar and a guy who runs the club scene went straight up to S in the bar and started talking to her. She introduced me and I shook his hand and said I’d meet her at the table. I could see him trying, so I thought I’d let him crack on and see if she showed any red flags, you must vet your girl before you decide. Remember you’re the prize. Not her.

After a few minutes she comes over and tells me how much he tries with her all the time. And that it’s not unusual for her to get attention due to who she is. (Red flag 1); there’s a few ways this could go, if she uses the attention as validation, she’s your standard social media fuckgirl. If she acts upon the attention continuously, she’s a slut and if she doesn’t act upon the attention, she’s passed. She ended up being number 1, plate material at best. Some might disagree and say that outcome number 1 is fine. And that’s okay. But for me, number 3 or I might fuck you at best. Clear boundaries are a must for any Red Pill man, make some and stick with them.

After an hour we’d had 2 glasses of wine (2 is the limit for driving home in my opinion, I used this as a confirmation of her intentions) and I said that I’m getting number 3, she smiles and said I should meet her friends as they are coming in the city, which I agree straight away.

An opportunity to meet a girl’s friends and try and flaunt my talent and boost my ego even more is a no brainier for me. (Autism level 100 here) At this moment, we have been fucking each other’s eyes for a while and I kiss her. It was ballsy, I didn’t ask, #MeToo could’ve fucked me here, I’d had some Dutch courage and I thought fuck it, bite me. No game here, more chance than anything really but I’m usually good at calling the right moment.

After about 20 minutes, 3 glasses down now, her friends come and sit at our table. 3 girls and a guy, a HB7, a HB8 and another HB9 come and sit with us, the HB9 is with a really cool guy, no worries, I know how to deal with this. I introduce myself to the guy straight away, I ensure I make an effort with the guy before the girls. This not only shows respect, but the girls will understand that men come before women for me, no matter what. Not putting the girls on a pedestal is a key attribute to game.

I make jokes, I tell cool stories, I interact with everyone at the table as if I belong there, I make sure to interact on a 1-to-1 basis with everyone throughout the evening, whether that be going to the bar with someone or asking a follow up question to something they have said at the table to engage more in a conversation. Then after an hour or two we are all tipsy and happy as Larry.

If you’ve got no jokes or stories, fucking get some. Surf the net for an hour and you’re golden mate. Rehearse them every few weeks if you aren’t gaming to ensure you don’t go rusty. This genuinely happens.

I don’t even make an effort with S for a large percentage of this time, apart from the physical contact as she’s sat next to me and the odd question if I haven’t picked something up correctly. This alleviates any pressure on our part to interact and allows for a more natural flow which works well, and again brings comfort on her part.

Her friends genuinely love me, the girls talking about how they “fully support this situation” etc etc and me and the guy are chatting shit but we are both very similar so it’s a very easy conversation. S was extremely satisfied, I think I heard her purr at one moment. But then again I’d had a fair amount of wine.

Me and S move on to another bar, hand in hand. Further social proof for me was when her friends videoed us leaving together on social media with a “cute couple alert” description which S loved.

After getting to the second bar, I will admit I blacked out from all the drinking and can’t actually remember what happened after this point. But sure enough, 8AM the next morning and I wake up next to S. My dick is absolutely shredded and I have no recollection of what happened. Right on cue, S wakes up and fills me in on me being sick in her toilet on our return to her place and that, incidentally, making her sick.

I then drunkenly said I’d “sort her out” and proceeded to have sex with her for about 2 minutes before literally passing out. She literally put me to bed. Solid effort. Well done. Textbook game. She took this pretty well tbf, a lesson learnt here is to make sure you keep yourself sober enough. I let the night get the better of me and this could have turned sour.

What did I do however? I completely fucking owned it and I told her how fucking brilliant I am and that she was lucky I even tried. She laughed and said she wouldn’t mind if I tried again. Boom. If you make her attracted to you, she won’t make it hard for you. This is a prime example of holding frame. Did I make a mistake? Yes. Could I have apologised and been a little bitch about it? Yes. Am I going to do that after reading and digesting the wonder that is the sidebar? Absolutely fucking not. Never apologise if you don’t have to. Own it.

After this, I saw her a few more times before realising how much attention she actually gets and needs to survive. I don’t need that, I’m not insecure. I have my bitch management down. I don’t need to compete in the “look how fit my girl is olympics”, I simply can’t be arsed. I’d just rather fuck better moralised girls, that have better values. I demoted her to a low plate, and I doubt I’ll ever see her again, but I could if I wanted too. She’s since hit me up twice and it just feeds my already gargantuan ego, I guess that’s called “having value”. Thanks TRP.

Girl #2

The reason you lucky fellows get 2 field reports in 1 is because this girl is different, no not a unicorn, just nothing like S. She is an old friend from when I was 13 and met her at an Army Camp during RAF cadets. We have spoken on and off for years. She has a boyfriend also. Let’s call her “A”.

Fantasy land for some of you. I too, for ages, did not believe that girls with boyfriends cheated because none of them ever did with me. Probably on me though, without me knowing, but we know that’s standard protocol now. I thought guys just chatted shit for an ego boost. Oh, how, how wrong I was. I promise you this shit happens. And it’s no harder than a girl that’s single, the bottom line is you’ve just got to make her more attracted to you IN THAT MOMENT than her boyfriend for her to cheat with you, which with the right logistics and plausible deniability isn’t actually that hard.

Some of you might say, dude, bro code. Come on.

If you can’t live with it, don’t do it. I, however am a fucking savage and the firm believer of “It’s not yours, it’s just your turn”. Any girl is fair game.

I posted a photo on Instagram with my physique transformation over the last 2 years. 210Ib’s to an athletic 160Ib’s at 6ft 1. Solid effort. A hit me up, saying how great it was that I was disciplined enough to lose 50 Ib’s and that she was going to be around in a few days for an afternoon because her sister still lives where I live and that it would be great to meet for a catch up.


“Oh no, here we are alone, how did this happen? Oh no I’m falling up the stairs, oh no all my clothes have mysteriously vanished and I’m on all fours, what could possibly happen? Oh no, you know I have a boyfriend but you don’t care, I told you I had the boyfriend so it’s no longer my responsibility as I am a girl, oh no.” You catch my drift.

Act appropriately. No girl with a boyfriend wants any trace of animosity on her part during this. Don’t push anything, she’s secured the meet. Leave the rest for in person.

Met her at a local bar for a mojito. (Don’t disrespect a raspberry mojito, they are fucking naughty mate). Solid HB8 on insta, more of a HB7 in person. Idgaf she’s here now, who am I to refuse what the universe wants hey?

I always hug, easiest and most appropriate time to break a full contact barrier is the initial encounter. Always take the hug. Add a kiss on the cheek if you’re fucking Thor or Brad Pitt you smooth motherfucker.

A chats shit for literally 15 minutes, an absolute bag of nerves. I use amused mastery to just playfully neg her and I eventually calm the poor thing down. I know I’m in. Treat her like you’ve already fucked her and you’ll be sweet. Gives you a great IDGAF attitude that exudes confidence.

I tell A my dad has gone away for a few days and that I have a free house and we should go and watch that show we were talking about (GoT if you care, again, Autist) and get loads of stuff to make pancakes. (Part of the platinum package).

This is a little thing I always do. Works really well. Tell the girls about your different array of packages that you offer. Mine range from Bronze all the way to Platinum. Depending how they are, they receive a package at the end. I tend to bullshit these packages, it’s playful and you can really get into it.

Now, of course this isn’t actually true except for the platinum package. This is where they receive my legit tasty as fuck pancakes for breakfast. (Obviously meaning she stays the night). It escalates the mood without being creepy and full on, it also gives social proof as she will think I fuck girls. Girls want guys who other women want.

So I tell A that I actually prefer breakfast for dinner anyway, I think they call it a cowboy breakfast. And funnily enough, she agreed straight away. (Not actually sure she took the hint or got the joke here, but I had a laugh anyway).

We get back to mine and sure enough as I sit on a chair with enough room for two at a squeeze she asks me “where do I sit?”. Talk about women acting as children lads, it was comical. I said “Next to me of course.” Which she did without hesitation.

We contoured our bodies awkwardly for about 10 minutes until she gave in and her hamster calmed down and she put her legs on me.

I stroked her legs and we flirted heavily until I she said she was going to hell for what she was doing. I asked her if she liked being a bad girl (it sounded right in the moment, sounds fucking weird writing it though, my skin is crawling) and she nodded. I asked her if she wanted to be a really bad girl and she smiled and I kissed her.

I stood up, I held out my hand and I took her upstairs and I fucked her. Hard. For like a decent amount of time. Up there in Top 3. She caught me looking in the mirror a few times. (I was re-enacting American Psycho, shoot me) and she fucking loved it.

Sure enough, afterwards as she was laid on me, she mentioned her boyfriend and how shit he was and how he has no drive unlike me and wasn’t doing anything with his life. Bless her little hamster. I laid there, contently, empty balls and a happy man.

Sure enough we ate pancakes and I drove her to the station and off she went. No guilt. Went back to her boyfriend like nothing had happened and that, again, just shows you how trashy girls can be when a better option is available. I’m just as bad, takes 2 to tango but fuck it, do you blame me?

Hope some of you learn a thing or two from this, or it’s just a nice reminder for you veterans. Feel free to ask me any questions or call me an autist, and remember, don’t get married.

Submitted July 31, 2018 at 12:34PM by Burt3d
Double Field Report Double Field Report Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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