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My(23M) GF(24F) doesn’t feel confortable with my friend(23F) and wants me to cut off contact with her. I don’t think this is fair.

Sorry for the format guys, I’m on the phone!

I’ll be Me Gf will be G Friend will be F

I’ve been dating my gf for two years now and she’s great. She’s super smart, we share a lot of interests and until now I never took her for the jealous type.

I grew up with F, we live in the same street and our mothers are friends. Besides that, after my grandma came to live with us(my grandpa died), they became really close. They’re very much alike and the whole family thinks she’s great. Honestly, she’s considered part of the family. My brothers/cousins/parents all buy her christmas/burthday presents, she spends a lot of holidays on out house and she helps my parents if they need anything since I now live out of the state.

I took my gf to meet them and was very excited. The introductions seemed to go okay, my gf got along with my dad and was already sharing recipes with granny. Later that night we went out to hang out with some friends, F and some of my brothers. They seemed to like each other and my gf laughed a lot(F is hilarious).

On the next couple of days F came to my house a lot of times, which is very normal to us. She has dinner at least once a week there and she and my grandma take salsa dancing classes together(I find it kinda cute). My brothers treat her like a little sister and my grandma called her a ‘time lost twin’

After about 3 days my gf pulled me aside and said she felt very unconfortable with F relationship with my family. She said that it looked like we were married by the way they treated her. I tried telling her that everyone her like a cousin or something but she wasn’t buying. She kept telling me that it wasn’t appropriate for a strange women to be so close to a family and that everyone looks like they’d rather see me dating her. She asked me to distance myself and talk with her about the whole family involvement thing.

I find this very weird... F is like a sister to me and the rest of my family. She literally talked me out of suicide once, she’s not doing anything wrong. She’s not romantically interested on me and she’s great with my grandma/little brother.

I can’t cut her out bc I honestly don’t think she’s doing anything wrong and so doesn’t deserve this treatment, it’s not really just me as she has close ties with my family. Thruth be told, if I did that my brothers/parents/grandparents wouldn’t forgive me and considering they are adults I don’t believe I could prevent them from having contact.

Overall, I feel like everyone would be punished and it’s not really fair.

To make things worse, we had this discussion close to the bathroom my brother was in and he heard everything. My grandma still hasn’t called me over(which she will) but everyone has been colder to her and it shows.

I don’t know how to navigate this situation. How can I put my gf on ease about F and how I can smooth things over with the rest of my family?

TL;DR: my gf doesn’t feel confortable with the close ties my friend has with my family and wants me to cut her off. I feel this is unfair since she did nothing wrong and she’s like a sister to the family

Submitted July 30, 2018 at 07:08AM by confusedaf111115
My(23M) GF(24F) doesn’t feel confortable with my friend(23F) and wants me to cut off contact with her. I don’t think this is fair. My(23M) GF(24F) doesn’t feel confortable with my friend(23F) and wants me to cut off contact with her. I don’t think this is fair. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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