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My Approach To Women

Let me talk about my approach to women. I make and hold eye contact, I don’t rush to say anything, I approach when I see what I like, I don’t run when rejected, I talk about whatever comes to mind, I don’t try to be funny or cute, I go with the flow, I completely ignore shit tests, I escalate as soon as possible and I don’t say or do things just because I read it in a book. In fact, I don’t even do the asshole thing anymore.

I can break it down for the ones who prefer a list:

  • Eye contact. She looks away first, sometimes you look away first just because you want to look somewhere else, where something more interesting than her is happening.
  • No rush to talk. Confident and composed. Listen, pause, answer. -Don't speak monotone.-
  • Approach when you see what you like, what else?
  • No run when rejected. She is still there talking to you. Isn't this an IOI? She will see that you are calm, relaxed, as rejection never happened. When a woman sees that, it will at least cause her to take a closer look at him, under the premise that he just might indeed be the real deal alpha man that she’s been waiting for.
  • Speak your mind. No filters, never run out of things to say, plus you will say something that she likes or something that she doesn't like, polarizing, creating emotions.
  • Not trying to be funny or cute. No approval seeking behavior, non-neediness.
  • Go with the flow. Present, in the moment, no need to be always thinking, do not try hard friend, she can smell that you are needy/wanty from miles away.
  • Ignore shit-tests.
  • Escalate. You are not there just to have a small talk, you know, she knows, her friends know, everybody knows.

So much in a few sentences.

Good hunting.

First post syndrome? Delete.

Submitted July 28, 2018 at 12:55PM by drifteer
My Approach To Women My Approach To Women Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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