Is it normal behavior that my BF (27/M) of 4.5 years suddenly leaves to go to his friend’s at midnight on a Friday, does not respond to my (28/F) texts or calls, and it’s now 11:13 AM the next morning and he is still not home
Please help me. I feel so despressed, confused. He won’t respond to my texts or calls (the calls ring, so it’s not dead). From the previous few times this has happened in our relationship I can expect what he will say happened: he got wasted with his friend (who is a cokehead) and fell asleep on his couch. I am so frustrated. Usually, when this happened before, he’d send a text letting me know if he’d probably stay the night, or an update of some sort. I got no texts this time, not even an update. I texted and called him three times in a row at 6:30 AM—no reply.
I am so fed up with this. His friend lives 5 minutes away from us by car. I am too old to be dealing with this kind of behavior. But, sometimes, I think: well, am I being too prudish? Is this normal behavior? How would others girls in my situation respond and deal with this? I’ve confronted him about this before but he claims this is totally normal behavior and I am the crazy one, and that he has the “right” to stay at his friend’s— what grown man sleeps over at his friend’s EVERY TIME he has a late night? I am so desperate for some advice. Please help me. What do I do? Should I tolerate this? If not, what should I do? Should I just leave for the night and not respond to his texts and calls, as he’ll eventually return? I thought maybe this would be a good way to show him how it feels, as I never do that, but please let me know what YOU think. Thank you.
tl;dr: Is it normal behavior that my BF (27/M) of 4.5 years suddenly leaves to go to his friend’s at midnight on a Friday and does not respond to my (28/F) texts or calls, and it’s now 11:13 AM the next morning
Submitted July 28, 2018 at 09:21AM by confusedsadpretty
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