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Mission First, Women Always

It's not normally the thing to do to make posts to respond to critics. Don't think this is the first. There is some valuable discussion that came out of my last piece Who The Fuck Are You. The idea of mission vs gaming (women). It is a valuable discussion to have.

I look towards balance in my life and in most things. If a man doesn't have balance he can't progress. It's a core of development. I could just as easily post another story about how I fucked that or this girl, and reaffirm Red Pill ideas, but I also find the meta, and mental development of men to be equally important. It's where I excel: the Psychological domination of my environment and I am skilled at it when it comes to women. It's wrong thinking to believe that you need to dedicate your time to one thing or the other. I would argue this is the way women think. They like to criticize men for not being able to multi task, but it's men who can. Betas clearly fail at this, but an Alpha or even an insecure alpha can do this. Creating a list of priorities and working down that list is limiting yourself as a man and removing one of you most natural skills. The ability to handle many priorities, at once, and all together.

To begin to understand what this post is going to talk about you have to remove your notion of the idea of priorities. Men have all priorities. We don't catalog them and have a 20th Priority. If you do have a priority list you need to ask yourself if it was really worth doing. If you can't apply time to it then you are need to refigure what you are doing.

There are things a man can do and things he can't do (I really like that line). It's all priority and it all needs to be done. It becomes a matter of how much time you devote to it at any given day. If you don't have time for it, then why is there to begin with. Yet the undercurrent of you life's passion is your mission and women must be always there.

Let's run this to the absurd: she calls you at work. Yakking about the dishes or the garbage disposal. Your response is "I am at work I don't have time for this" this is how she understands it yet you demonstrate every time that you can in fact manage more than one priority. What you are really telling her is "this isn't really that important", and you aren't dedicating time to it. You can't tell her that though it's not something she gets. You are saying in her language of covert communication, it doesn't even make the list. And this mindset is demonstrated throughout a number of red pill adages about not dealing with drama. Needle drawing thread.

Let's pull it back to extremes, you run a business, it's faltering so it becomes TOP priority, wherein you dedicate 70 hours a week to getting it back on track, but always in the back of your mind are the other things. You are still going to game a bit, it's who you are, but maybe the end game isn't to get her home. You are chatting up the secretary, that client, the barista….any woman you interact with. Even if you know you don't have time to close it to a good fuck. But hell you never know.

Balance Your Brain

Without one you don't have the other. Without the other you don't have the one. Your mission is your purpose in your life. What you get up every day for. It's your passion. Women are there for you to enjoy. They are not your passion, nor your mission. Engaging with women, gaming them increases your masculinity and therefore your social dominance. It's essential and cannot be ignored. Don't misread that. Women themselves are not the cause of your increase it's the interaction, its proving time and time again you are a man to be reckoned with in and out of the bedroom.

It is said that your relationships are a reflection of you. So while you are getting promoted, hired, and congratulated on your technical and intellectual skills at some point you will hit a brick wall because you are ignoring your social development. You will find situations, teams, and projects difficult because you failed at a key development process. I believe this is a dynamic of the Peter Principle. You are failing at your improvement. Gaming women is core to that. I bring back what Mystery said all these years ago.

If you aren't fucking you are effectively sterile

Great insight, hurts my feelings every time. I have seen very wealthy men, Google Execs, Radio and Music Execs, all these very powerful very wealthy mean still flounder when it comes to women. They do the same things. Drink the same drinks, talk the same topics. They spend money searching for what it is we talk about right here. Complete and utter dominance in your life. Meanwhile I am there with the hottest girl there having a great time, and yes we moved on to better places and eventually a hot monkey fuck session. Those guys couldn't hold a conversation.

Don't fall into the trap of it being only women and you can end up as a PUA. Seeking validation and affirmation from the women you are fucking. You cannot forget your mission in place of women. But I get it. At 20 that dick points north and is harder then an iceberg in the Atlantic.

Read this study. First it's bending the research and direct it to a more gooey soft side, but take the data and reinterpret it through a Red Lens.

It backs up the idea that having social and technical skill is an important part of leadership, or as I would see it - the man you want to be. Replace this with the fictional men we read in literature and TV/Movies. The man's man, ladies man, man about town kind of guy. That guy knows how to be attractive. He get's women. Women want to be with him and men want to be him. He's technically competent in his field and he has the social skills to maneuver at will. What is the at the core of a man's social interaction….his attractiveness. It's all directing towards his mission's outcome.

The beta we talk about isn't the guy that's going to get invited to the clam bakes, but neither are you if you are sitting with your nose in a book or locked in your office counting your coins.

So the next time you hear, "women just aren't a priority right now", come out of your mouth call someone to punch you in the jimmy.

You must have balance and it must be mission first, women always.

Submitted September 02, 2018 at 06:38AM by ReddJive
Mission First, Women Always Mission First, Women Always Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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