Boyfriend [26M] can’t stop invading my privacy to the point I [24F] feel violated and insecure in my own home
It all began after the first month we started dating and I don’t know why I didn’t end things right then and there. While I was taming a shower, he looked through all of the photos on my laptop and yelled at me cause I still had photos of me and my ex. I didn’t even remember, cause I don’t look at those photos and I guess I was too lazy to delete them. Also, I don’t use that laptop so often since it’s slow, soooo yeah, I wasn’t being sentimental.
I’ve always been a nosy person and I admit I stalked his wall, his exes, even his parents, BUT it was all public info. I’ve been alone with his laptop/phone etc. but I’ve never ever even thought about reading his private conversations. I wouldn’t do that to anyone. He doesn’t care, though. He memorized my ipad password and he read everything, including some really private posts here on reddit. He yelled at me and broke up with me.
He occasionally lurks in my facebook account, because I’m dumb and I’m always like “No, he wouldn’t do that again” but he always does. Today I was logged on our shared laptop and I saw in my fb app that there was some activity going on 40 minutes ago while I was taking a shower. I looked the chrome history, but he had deleted everything. I lost it and I started crying and he had the audacity to blame me for his trust issues and said that there is something I’m hiding since I’m reacting this way. I tried to explain I have nothing to hide, but it’s just horrible to feel uncomfortable at home. I can’t even sleep properly anymore because I’m nervous if he’ll decide to randomly read my messages. He scrolled maybe months of my fb searches which is really embarrassing and yelled at me again. He said I must be hiding something since I’m so upset. I don’t hide anything and I never gave him a reason not too trust me. Once he dumped me and I grabbed a beer with an old friend and he found out, blamed me for cheating on him and even complained to my mother. I go to therapy every week (not only because of him, I have other issues). There was this group session and I met a boy who has similar problems to mine and I felt that finally I’d have someone outside therapy to talk to. He’s not my type and I didn’t like him in a romantic way, I just felt we could be friends but my boyfriend found out we’ve talked once (because he was snooping again ofc) and again yelled at me. He said I was a cheater and that’s why he had trust issues. I’ve always been faithful and I didn’t deserve this.
I changed all my passwords but I’m tired of feeling uncomfortable in my own home. He went out and told me I deserve this and he’s right to invade my privacy and I have no right to be mad. I don’t know what to do anymore.
Tl;dr: Boyfriend is invading my privacy and blames me for his trust issues
Submitted September 01, 2018 at 09:00AM by asdfg1234566
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