NOTE: This is an effortful yet insufficient attempt to try to characterize the concept of Alpha. I encourage criticism and commentary.
Inequality is a fact in this life. Some are more capable than others. Some are more alpha than others; but what exactly is ‘alpha’?
Defining Alpha
The mainstream has used and abused the word ‘Alpha’ to the point of satire. In case you didn’t know, ‘Alpha’ is used as a descriptor for ‘desirable’ men. Some suggest morality is attached to the definition; that an ‘Alpha’ isn’t rude to women. Others suggest that it is independent of career; that Bill Gates is still a beta. Yet even others suggest that these are simply evil men who are victims of their own socially constructed toxic masculinity. I personally like Jack Donovan’s amoral approach at defining the qualities that make a man ‘good at being a man’ rather than being simply a ‘good man’.
With that being said, this piece seeks to define the term ‘alpha’. I really have no authority to write this from.
Regardless, I think I’m insightful.
Alpha as an Adjective
Suppose the word alpha is an adjective. In English, there are three types of descriptive adjectives, positive adjectives that used to describe rather than compare (e.g. funny), comparative adjectives that are used to compare two objects (e.g. funnier), and superlative adjectives that compare three or more objects (e.g. funniest). A descriptive adjective can only exist in relation to the absence of that quality. For example, if all sounds are perceived as 100 decibels, the concept of loudness does not exist. Similarly, if all we ever knew is the number 5 while growing up and no other numbers, the concept of less than and greater than would not exist. Similarly, alphas can only exist if betas exist. Furthermore, inequality in a community is a precondition for the male who exhibits qualities of ‘alpha’ to exist.
Because of this, an ‘alpha’ (as a noun) in the wilderness alone is not an ‘alpha’, he is just a person. If he meets/is compared to another person that he can boss around, he will be ‘alpha’ (as an adjective). Therefore, alpha is not an intrinsic property of a person, it is a descriptor that can only exist in context of social interaction.
Alpha as a Category and as a Spectrum
This is a concept entirely my own invention. Descriptors can imply category or spectrum. A set of descriptors that imply category is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. A set of descriptors that imply spectrum are bright and dark.
We see some men using the word as a categorical descriptor rather than one that implies spectrum, i.e. he is the alpha (categorical) vs. he seems quite alpha (spectrum). This is possible if there clearly is an individual that exhibits the highest amount/intensity of alpha qualities as compared to the rest of the group. However, within the rest of the group, there are those who exhibit more ‘alpha’ compared to others. For example, in the context of a corporation of McDonalds, the CEO is alpha (categorical). The managers to the CEO are beta. To the minimum wage workers that are under the leadership of the manager, the manager is alpha (categorical). Within the context of the minimum wage workers, some are more alpha (implies spectrum) relative to other workers. Like this, ‘alpha’ can exist both as a categorical descriptor (if there is one clear leader in ‘alpha’ qualities) and as a spectrum (if the leader in ‘alpha-ness’ is not very distinct).
Alpha is not intrinsic and is dependent on group perception.
Because alpha-ness is dependent on the social context, a man’s alpha-ness is not intrinsic. It is dependent on exhibited behavior and group perception. A man can be alpha in his own army but when that army is defeated, and he is taken as prisoner by the opposing army, he no longer exhibits the same alpha-ness. He might act in the exact same way, but everyone perceives him as weak now. Since group perception is dependent on your exhibited behavior, it does not matter whether you yourself are confident, only if others perceive you to be as such. Group perception is based on your exhibited behavior, as that is the only information you transmit. This is why I cringe when I read ‘Self-identifying alpha-male’ on some guy’s twitter bio. If you are alpha, you must prove it; it is not simply enough to reassure yourself of your own worth.
What is Alpha
Now we will move on to actually defining the set of perceptions that leads one to be considered alpha. This set of perceptions is broadly but not precisely defined. We know the general nature of the concept but cannot precisely explain it; for example, concepts of consciousness and attention!
Alpha is composed of two broad perceptions, vitality/virility and control/dominance.
Virility/vitality was traditionally achieved in men as the correct balance of testosterone and immunity. Now you can fake it with some supplements or plastic surgeries. The effect is the same; perception.
Some popular indicators of high testosterone are (with research):
· Courage
· Strength
· Facial hair and body hair
· A strong defined jawline
· Big Adam’s apple and a deep voice.
· Wide shoulders
· Male pattern balding
· Ring finger length
· Small eyes
· Lower body fat
· Higher sexual energy
· Aggressive
· Bone density
· Risk taking behavior
· Large noses
· Increased apatite
· Increased threshold for pain
· Increased acne
· Bravery and courage
· Assertiveness
· Competitive
· Protective
· Stinginess
· Anti-social behavior
· Bigger skeletal muscles
· Fat loss
· Prostate cancer risk and increased prostate size
· Trust Inhibition
· Promotes reciprocity
· Drive for status; can overwhelm some negative behaviors
· Decreased immunity
Some indicators for good health (with research):
· Strength
· Good fashion
· Healthy skin
· Head full of hair
· Symmetrical face
· Healthy weight, BMI, and waist size
· Energetic
· Smiling, not in chronic pain
· Sane
· No/low injury evidence
· Symmetrical body and face
· Tall
· Clean teeth
· Good breath
· No body odor
· Healthy posture
· Not sick, not sneezing, not coughing, not groaning in pain
· Muscular
· Tall
· Waste-hip ratio
· Healthy hair
· Clean straight teeth
· No odor
· No-antisocial behavior
· Good mental health; not much aggression
· Fat not disposed around abdominal area
Some of these factors are indicators of high testosterone but not indicators of good health, for example: male pattern balding, anti-social behavior, increased prostate size, and decreased immunity. Conversely, the opposite of these factors is actually indicative of good health! The point is that testosterone and vitality is not the same thing but are associated. The better definition of what I am referring to is a balance of virility (i.e. male behavior associated with testosterone) and vitality (health and longevity). I will be referring to this joint definition with the term from here on as the virility/vitality complex.
The second component of alpha is control/dominance. As with the virility/vitality complex, the effect of control/dominance lies in the perception. One can fake the control/dominance in order to foster the perception. True control/dominance is harder to maintain but won’t flop in an embarrassing manner.
Some aspects of control include:
· Power from the outside the system
· Creating events
· Controlling a company
· Possessiveness over family members and relationships (too much may suggest excessive anxiety over the state of the relationship)
· Being able to do what you want
· Fatherliness
· Owning things
· Lots of wealth, women, political/family/tribal power, lots of kids
· Power over something
· Think Illuminati
· Body language
Some aspects of dominance include:
· Mastery
· Power from inside the system
· Being the best at whatever you do
· Honor
· Being respected by peers
· High social status
· Being a bully (using insults and negs)
· Competitive spirit
· Strength
· Prevalence
· Fame
· Leader
· Think Trump at his meetings
· Body language
As with the virility/vitality complex there is much overlap between the two concepts. I shouldn’t have to mention examples, but I will: being wealthy gives you control of your own life as well as dominance in social situations, being threatening means that other people will bend to your will and you will be both controlling and dominant, having a strong frame gives you control and dominance of conversations. The only difference that I see is that control involves power over something and dominance involves power within something. A coach may exert more control over his team, but the captain of the team may exert more dominance. Within the context of NBA however this coach may exert more dominance in terms of fame rather than other coaches; as similarly aforementioned, the concepts of control and dominance are subjective and contextual. From here on, we will refer to the concepts of control and dominance as the control/dominance complex.
Some of the control/dominance complex traits align with the virility/vitality complex traits. In particular, the virility/vitality traits influence the control/dominance traits. For example, being strong and athletic is typically associated with virility/vitality but since being strong and athletic makes you potentially more threatening should you choose to be violent, and since the threat of violence helps foster social hierarchies, you have an edge in social interactions if you are buff. Similarly, the control/dominance traits influence the virility/vitality traits. If you are wealthy you can afford good nutrition or a gym membership you can ‘buy’ better health and become healthier, and thus increase improve your virility/vitality. These traits have a tendency to go hand in hand. I can come up with many more examples, but I think the point has been made with these two examples.
It is interesting to note that these two trait complexes are collectively a summary of stereotypical, traditional, (and nearly universal) masculinity. Indeed, the way of the past was the way that worked.
In summary, Alpha can be thought of as an adjective or a noun but can only exist as a result of social interactions. It can be thought of as a categorical adjective that implies dichotomy or an adjective that implies spectrum if a categorical ‘alpha’ cannot be defined. Also, alpha is dependent on perception and is not intrinsic. Alpha is dependent on two sets of traits, virility/vitality and control/dominance.
If you have virility/vitality but no control/dominance, you are a slave.
If you have control/dominance but no virility/vitality, you are a dying king.
If you have neither, you are a sick beggar.
If you have both, you are a prince.
I hope this helps you in your view of the world.
Twitter: @AmericanZabiha
Submitted July 28, 2018 at 01:22PM by Fahadbutt90
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