My boyfriend is incredible. I’ve never had someone care for me like this. He spends every day with me. We’ve been together for about 4 months, although we’ve known each other for 2 years.
I was with a few of my friends and a girl I used to hook up with was mentioned. She asked about me and was heartbroken when she was told I had a boyfriend.
I’ve been thinking about her since then. I imagine having sex with her and kissing her.
Ever since then I have been thinking about girls more and more. I’m really confused about why I feel this way in an incredible relationship.
I went to go visit my friend in Ohio about 3 weeks ago. She’s straight, but seeing her again brought up unexplainable feelings. I am really insanely into her. Nothing would ever happen because she’s straight though.
With that being said I would NEVER EVER cheat on my boyfriend. EVER. which is why these feelings make me feel so guilty. He is amazing and I don’t want to loose him. I am very attracted to him, so I am positive that isn’t the problem.
TL;DR: in a relationship with my boyfriend, he’s amazing but I can’t stop thinking and wanting to be with girls. I know for a fact that I am bisexual though.
Submitted April 01, 2019 at 07:05PM by throwaway40187
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